Un gato salió del zapato,
donde dormía sin recato,
es su hogar, de hedor extraño,
pero eso sí, bastante cálido.
Tiene dos ojos verdes magnos,
son diferentes, pero mágicos,
uno es algo claro
y el otro, verde azulado.
A cat came out of the shoe,
where he slept undisguised,
it is his home, with a strange stench,
but yes, quite warm.
It has two magnificent green eyes
are different, but magical,
one is somewhat clear
and the other, bluish green.
El gato mientras camina,
su reflejo mira,
en una matera de espejo sin pátina
donde sus ojos revisa.
No le gusta lo que observa
sus ojos bien no se encuentran
va por una mirada nueva,
tranquilo, prisa no lleva.
The cat while walking,
his reflection looks,
in a mirror matera without patina
where his eyes check.
He doesn't like what he observes
his eyes well don't meet
he goes for a new look,
calm, he's not in a hurry.
Llega a una mesa con comida,
hay un aguacate y papa amarilla,
también brócoli sin sal fina
y este le agrada para su vista.
Lo toma con cuidado
y en su ojo lo pone de inmediato,
ahora el gato está renovado,
con ojos originales y simpáticos.
He arrives at a table with food,
there is an avocado and yellow potato,
also broccoli without fine salt
and this pleases him for his eyesight.
He takes it carefully
and puts it in his eye immediately,
now the cat is renewed,
with original and friendly eyes.
Con su ojo de brócoli regresa
y ante el espejo se presenta,
le agrada mucho lo que encuentra,
fue un acierto cambiarlo por una estructura nueva.
Contento con el resultado,
camina hacía su zapato,
se recuesta, está cansado
y con la satisfacción de lograr lo anhelado.
With his broccoli eye he returns
and in front of the mirror,
he is very pleased with what he finds,
it was a success to change it for a new structure.
Happy with the result,
he walks towards his shoe,
he lies down, he is tired
and with the satisfaction of achieving what he had longed for.

Your level lowered and you are now a Minnow!@marpa, sorry to see that you have less Hive Power.
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