De imaginario a real / From imaginary to real

in GEMS10 months ago

Llega la señora Pecueca,
con una gran esfera,
en el suelo la deja
y comienza a jugar con ella.

La envía a un lado,
luego hacia el otro lado,
se aburre, el juego no es grato
y se sienta para pensar como solucionarlo.

Mrs. Pecueca arrives,
with a large sphere,
she leaves it on the floor
and begins to play with it.

She sends it to one side,
then to the other side,
he gets bored, the game is not pleasant
and sits down to think how to solve it.


Ella trae un trozo de alambre,
enmarañado y sin forma observable,
es de color azabache
y lo completa con un rostro agradable.

Este es un amigo imaginario
para no sentirse solitario,
seguro jugarán un buen rato,
aunque es inerte y no se mueven sus brazos.

She brings a piece of wire,
tangled and without observable shape,
it is jet-colored
and completes it with a pleasant face.

This is an imaginary friend
so as not to feel lonely,
they are sure to play a good time,
although their arms don't move.


Pecueca lanza el balón,
su amigo imaginario pierde el control,
se cae cuando lo toca el balón
y ella debe levantarlo con dedicación.

Y así es este juego,
el amigo se cae sin remedio
no resultó tan divertido el momento,
quizás deban mejorar el método.

Pecueca throws the ball,
his imaginary friend loses control,
he falls down when the ball touches him
and she must pick it up with dedication.

And that's how this game goes,
the friend falls down hopelessly
the moment wasn't so much fun,
maybe they should improve the method.


Pecueca es una chica de ideas
y decide reemplazar la cabeza,
pone el balón con el que juega
y el amigo imaginario se renueva.

No pueden jugar,
pues balón ya no hay,
pero ahora hay un amigo de verdad,
con quien puede hablar y hablar.

Pecueca is a girl of ideas
and decides to replace the head,
she puts the ball she plays with
and the imaginary friend is renewed.

They can't play,
because there is no more ball,
but now there is a real friend,
with whom he can talk and talk.



Stopmotion y cuento original de Margarita Palomino.
Colombia, mayo del 2024


She's really an idealistic somebody, her friend could not play, so she finds another way to make her to play and she discover something nice, she did it and she can talk with her friend, Pecueca ideas are worth gold.