El alimento de la hormiga / The food that the ant carries

in GEMS5 months ago

La hormiga esta reuniendo,
los alimentos para el invierno,
pero exagero en este momento,
porque va cargando sin miedo
un gran cargamento,
con envoltorio verde intenso.

The ant is gathering,
food for the winter,
but I exaggerate at this moment,
because he is carrying without fear
a big load,
with an intense green wrapper.


Tras muchos caminos recorrer,
la hormiga no se siente bien,
está agotada por el trabajo aquel
y halla un vaso con agua para beber,
se la toma con rapidez
y se queda dormida inmediatamente después.

After traveling many roads,
the ant is not feeling well,
it is exhausted by the work it has
and finds a glass of water to drink,
she drinks it quickly
and falls asleep immediately afterwards.


Durante su descanso,
que es profundo y descarado,
su paquete se va soltando
hasta que deja ver un alimento pardo,
que se va alejando,
dejando el envoltorio solitario.

During his rest,
which is deep and unabashed,
his package is loosening
until it reveals a brownish food,
which is moving away,
leaving the solitary wrapper behind.


Cuando la hormiga despierta,
se asombra con la escena,
eso sí, ella a nada le ve problema
y enrolla el paquete con prudencia,
se aleja sin percatarse que no lleva,
el alimento en la hoja envuelta.

When the ant wakes up,
she is amazed by the scene,
she sees nothing wrong with it, however, and rolls up the package cautiously.
and rolls up the package cautiously,
she walks away without noticing that she is not carrying,
the food in the wrapped leaf.



Stopmotion y cuento original de Margarita Palomino.
Colombia, junio del 2024


excelente . me escanta . saludos que material habéis usado para crear a la hormiga?