Decidí pasear al gato,
por lo que salí por un portón claro,
le coloqué un arnes morado,
asi no partirá solitario
y permanecera a mi lado,
seguro y bien cuidado.
I decided to walk the cat,
so I went out through a clear gate,
I put a purple harness on him,
so he won't go off alone
and stay by my side,
safe and well cared for.
En nuestro paseo,
muchas cosas observo,
una cueva encuentro,
en ella ingreso
y al felino afuera dejó,
amarrado al pavimento,
porque ahí estará contento.
On our walk,
many things I observe,
a cave I find,
into it I enter
and left the feline outside,
tied to the pavement,
for there he'll be happy.
Cuando salgo
para narrar lo que he observado,
no logró ubicarlo,
al gato que dejé amarrado.
¡Se lo han robado!
y al mirar a lo alto,
lo veo dichoso volando
en un globo muy inflado.
When I go out
to narrate what I have observed,
I could not locate it,
the cat I left tied up.
It has been stolen!
and when I look up
I see it happily flying
in a very inflated balloon.
El gato me dejó,
con tanto que lo ame yo
y cuando triste me vio,
el felino bajó
y con él me llevo
a recorrer el cielo
en un globo de rojo color.
The cat left me,
as much as I loved him
and when he saw me sad
the feline came down
and took me with him
to travel the sky
in a red-colored balloon.
Great text
The cat care for you, he could not stand that you are not fine with his absence, so he had to come back and take you to the sky, beautiful time with the cat.