Me encontré un chocolate,
en un sitio no muy grande,
era bastante extraño
porque no había nadie cercano.
Lo tomé, tenía hambre
y le di un mordisco muy grande,
tras un tiempo,me dio sueño
y me quedé dormido sin remedio.
I found a chocolate,
in a place that wasn't very big,
it was quite strange
because there was no one around.
I took it, I was hungry
and I took a big bite,
After a while, I got sleepy
and I fell hopelessly asleep.
Me despertó una zanahoria,
que llegó a la zona,
busca alo con zozobra
y no encuentra lo que escondió hace unas horas.
Ella es la dueña del chocolate,
que me comí sin preguntarle a nadie,
la zanahoria deja ver su desconsuelo
con lágrimas verdes que de sus ojos van saliendo.
I was awakened by a carrot,
who came to the area,
it looks for it with trepidation
and can't find what she hid a few hours ago.
She is the owner of the chocolate,
which I ate without asking anyone,
the carrot lets her disconsolation be seen
with green tears coming out of her eyes.
Yo fui abusivo,
tomé algo, que no era mío,
por eso quiero remediarlo
y le traigo a la zanahoria algo.
Un bastón blanco y rojo
largo, dulce y hermoso,
la zanahoria mucho se alegra
y en su pedazo de tierra lo deja.
I was abusive,
I took something that wasn't mine,
that's why I want to remedy it
and I bring the carrot something.
A white and red stick
long, sweet and beautiful,
the carrot is very happy
and leaves it on its piece of land.
Pasa algún tiempo
y del bastón nace algo bello,
ramas verdes de tallo grueso,
que alegran el lugar con su aspecto.
Esta zanahoria bonita,
siembra dulces en su villa,
para que sin imaginarlo,
nazcan plantas de color variado.
Some time passes
and from the cane something beautiful is born,
green branches with thick stems,
that brighten up the place with their appearance.
This pretty carrot
sows sweets in its village,
so that without imagining it,
plants of varied color are born.
Y es que quien siembra sueños,
cosecha realidades llenas de amor inmenso.
And he who sows dreams,
reaps realities full of immense love.
Stopmotion y cuento original de Margarita Palomino. Colombia, enero de 2024