Los ojos de un zancudo gigante / The eyes of a giant mosquito

in GEMS9 hours ago

Bajo un recipiente claro,
se asoman unos ojos agrandados,
exploran, quizás buscan algo
y con mi mirada se han topado,
es que los he flechado,
porque llevo brillo en mis ojos negreados.

Under a clear container,
enlarged eyes peep out,
they explore, maybe they are looking for something
and they have met my gaze,
it is that I have charmed them,
because I have brightness in my black eyes.


Los ojos hacen un movimiento raro
y se quitan el recipiente claro,
yo huyo, corro muy rápido,
puede ser un monstruo enfadado,
que vendrá ha hacerme daño
y me escondo tras un portón para vigilarlo.

The eyes make a strange movement
and remove the clear container,
I run away, I run very fast,
it may be an angry monster,
who will come to hurt me
and I hide behind a gate to keep an eye on it.


No era un monstruo desagradable,
era un zancudo grande
lo tomó, para liberarlo cuanto antes,
debe polonizar plantas en todas partes,
y cuando por la ventana veo a la calle,
me saluda con sus ojos cautivantes.

It was not a nasty monster,
it was a large mosquito
took it, to release it as soon as possible,
it must polonizar plants everywhere,
and when through the window I look out onto the street,
he greets me with his captivating eyes



Stopmotion y cuento original de Margarita Palomino.
Colombia, enero de 2025