Un ángel cayó del cielo,
el pobre rompió el techo,
lo detuvo la mesa de puntos negros,
que tenía algunos alimentos.
El ángel se levantó
el golpe fue duro pero sobrevivió,
andaba raro porque la cadera se lastimó,
él no entiende que sucedió.
An angel fell from the sky,
the poor guy broke the ceiling,
he was stopped by the black dotted table,
which had some food on it.
The angel got up,
the blow was hard but he survived,
he was walking funny because his hip was hurt,
he does not understand what happened.
Revisó sus alas,
una bien puesta estaba,
la otra faltaba,
por eso cayó, no podía volar si una no estaba.
Trató de reemplazarla con un limón,
pero pesaba mucho y no sirvió,
con una zanahoria también lo intento,
sin embargo nada solucionó.
He checked his wings,
one was well placed,
the other was missing,
that's why he fell, he couldn't fly with one wing.
He tried to replace it with a lemon,
but it was too heavy and it didn't work,
he also tried with a carrot,
but nothing worked.
Entre tantos alimentos encontró algo,
una bolsa con pan recien horneado,
sacó uno bastante dorado
y lo colocó en su espalda con cuidado.
Qué alegría sintió,
el pan perfecto quedó
el vuelo de inmediato emprendió
el cielo lo esperaba con amor.
Among so much food he found something,
a bag with freshly baked bread, he
took out a golden one
and carefully placed it on his back.
What joy he felt,
the perfect bread was,
the flight immediately took off,
the sky was waiting for him with love.

Estupendo 😃