Un hisopo elegante,
camina orgulloso de su imagen,
va erguido e implacable,
con paso firme y sin miedo a lo que pase.
Atrás deja a sus compañeros,
que viven en un frasco pequeño,
esta hisopo quiere más que eso
y va en busca de algo nuevo.
An elegant hyssop,
walks proud of its image,
it goes erect and relentless,
with a firm step and without fear of what happens.
He leaves behind his companions,
who live in a small jar,
this hyssop wants more than that
and goes in search of something new.
Llega a un lugar misterioso,
donde una vela alumbra todo,
tiene un aspecto odioso,
pero el hisopo quiere explorar todo.
La llama de aquella vela,
lo hipnotiza con su belleza,
aquel brillo lo tienta
y más, más se acerca.
He arrives at a mysterious place,
where a candle illuminates everything, it has an odious aspect,
but the hyssop wants to explore everything.
The flame of that candle
hypnotizes him with its beauty,
that glow tempts him
and the closer he gets.
De repente la atractiva llama,
al hisopo alcanza,
es de un material que se inflama,
y en poco tiempo queda incinerada.
El hisopo queria explorar,
pero la precaución no era su cualidad,
no debió acercarse de más,
porque ahora negro caminando va.
Suddenly the attractive flame
reaches the hyssop,
it is made of a material that ignites,
and in a short time it is incinerated.
The hyssop wanted to explore,
but caution was not its quality,
it should not have come too close,
because now black is walking.
Regresa a su hogar,
donde varios hisopos hay,
se guarda entre los demás
esperando que lo acepten como igual.
Ahí se queda,
nadie lo rechaza por su apariencia,
lo aman, aunque lleve la cara negra,
esperando que la lección aprenda.
He returns to his home,
where there are several swabs,
he keeps himself among the others
hoping that they will accept him as an equal.
There he stays,
no one rejects him for his appearance, they love him, even though he wears blackface,
hoping the lesson will learn.
Que divertido y creativo. Me encanta 😻