Una lección sobre el ego
A lesson about the ego
![Photo taken from freepik](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://image.freepik.com/vector-gratis/unica-persona-que-puede-confiar-es-usted-mismo_24381-1068.jpg)
Ella es Adebisi Precious @Sirpee6
She is Adebisi Precious @Sirpee6
Una chica de Nigeria, que es parte de la comunidad de Steemit y Hive desde hace varios años. Entró a esta plataforma porque le gusta utilizar redes sociales como Instagram Y Facebook, y quiso empezar a monetizar creando contenido. Es muy activa en Hive y sus publicaciones son bastante refrescantes. Deberían seguirla si aún no lo hacen.
En lo particular, por ser mi primera participación en los Redfish Rally, no sabía la diversidad de culturas que abarcan las personas que participan, y nunca pensé que estaría en Venezuela leyendo a una chica de Nigeria escribiendo en inglés una historia fascinante como la que promocionaré a continuación.
A girl from Nigeria, who has been part of the Steemit and Hive community for several years. She came to this platform because she likes to use social networks like Instagram and Facebook, and she wanted to start monetizing by creating content. She is very active on Hive and her posts are quite refreshing. You should follow her.
In particular, as this is my first participation in the Redfish Rally, I did't know the diversity of cultures of the participants, and I never thought that I would be in Venezuela reading a Nigerian girl' post written in English with a fascinating story like the one I will promote down below.
LA HISTORIA DE UN HOMBRE JOVEN QUE FUE DERROTADO POR SU EGO Entre las publicaciones recientes de @Sirpee6, elegí para curar una reciente titulada
THE STORY OF A YOUNG MAN WHO WAS DEFEATED BY HIS EGO.Among @Sirpee6's recent posts, I chose to curate a recent one titled
En su publicación ella escribió una historia que nunca había leído, y que me trajo muchas reflexiones. La historia trata sobre un hombre que construye un automóvil con todos sus planos, sin errores, moderno y muy aclamado por el público. Pero que cuando lo tratan de sacar de la fábrica, éste no pasa por la puerta por ser muy alto.
La historia se vuelve más interesante y atrajo toda mi atención, porque el hombre sólo ve dos opciones, o salir por la puerta causándole rayones al vehículo y tener que repararlo luego, o desarmarlo y asumir que cometió errores de diseño. En ese momento, el guardia de seguridad se le acerca para ofrecerle ayuda, pero el hombre se niega a aceptarla, tomando la decisión de causarle daños a su creación.
Lo mejor es el final de la historia de @Sirpee6, ya que una vez afuera, el vigilante se le acerca nuevamente diciéndole que pudo evitar el daño desinflando un poco el aire de los cauchos. Y así, ni tenía que dañar el vehículo, ni tenía que rehacerlo.
In her post she wrote a story that I had never read, and that brought me many reflections. The story is about a man who builds a car with all its diagrams, without errors, modern and highly acclaimed by the public. But when he tried to get it out of the factory, it does not go through the door because it was very tall.
The story gets more interesting and got my full attention, because the man only sees two options, either going out the door causing scratches on the vehicle and having to repair it later, or taking it apart and assuming it has design mistakes. At that moment, the security guard approaches him to offer help, but the man refuses to accept it, making the decision to cause damage to his creation.
The best part is the end of the story of @Sirpee6, because once outside, the security guard approaches him again saying that he could avoid the damage by deflating the air of the rubbers a little. And so, he did not have to damage the vehicle, nor did he have to rebuild it.
It seems to me a very powerful story that allows us to question ourselves that we are not always right, and that we must learn to listen, because anyone can have something to offer from their own experience, turning our problems around, giving solutions that we were not able to see. And this post in particular reminded me of my maternal grandmother, who has been teaching humility lessons to all the generations that have gone through her upbringing, and that although she did not have the opportunity to have formal education, she always has advice or consolation to contribute to any problem that happens to us.
Reto de Curación Si desean unirse pueden ingresar a su Discord. Los demás participantes de este mes son:Desde que me uní a la comunidad de @theterminal siempre me llamaron la atención los retos del Redfish Rally, y al fin pude participar en ellos. Este fue el reto principal de la primera semana llamado
Curation Challenge If you want to join you can enter their Discord. The participants for this month are:Ever since I joined the @theterminal community, the challenges of the Redfish Rally have always caught my attention, and I was finally able to participate in them. This was the main challenge for the first week called
@maruvalerio (¡Yo! ¡Me!)
Well done my fellow rallier. You entry is dope.
Dope. We only give out Tokens and Hive @sirpee6 lol. Just kidding.
The post was a bit different from your normal writing.
@justclickindiva, I guess its better than the previous ones.
It was an interesting lesson in pride.
No, you are. I hope all your post get more votes, you deserve it.
this is how we love to see the blog come along ! Well done
Thank you for the opportunity to participate!
Your grandmother may not have a formal education but she has gained experience in life which has made her to have a solution to any problem.
Indeed she has. My grandma is an amazing person, and she keeps teaching everybody lessons of humility everyday
Hi @maruvalerio. I love your curation content for @sirpee6 post. Isn't it just inspring to find out about other cultures. You see we are all alike in many areas. People are not so different once you get to know them.
Your statement you are Venezuela reading a post of a Nigerian lady who speaks English. This is powerful knowledge. I'm so glad you decided to participate again and do another post.
We appreciate your participation.
Yes! It's amazing how a social network can be the bridge to unify different cultures around the world. I really appreciate this opportunity
Buen día, mi amigo @maruvalerio
Muy buena publicación de curación para tu primera semana en @theterminal
Te recomiendo que sigas aprendiendo todo lo relativo a esta plataforma.
Quédate solo en Hive y produce contenido de calidad, esaq es la clave del éxito futuro.
Un gran abrazo
Good morning, my friend @maruvalerio
Very good healing post for your first week on theterminal
I recommend that you continue learning everything related to this platform.
Stay alone on Hive and produce quality content, that's the key to future success.
A big hug