Well, I was probably just doing too well. Although, if I think about it, that hasn't been the case at all. But at least as far as the usual infections are concerned, recently I have been somewhat spared. In the last few years, things have been very different in this respect and everyone in our house has taken turns being sick. This season has been much better and I was pleasantly surprised at how well we've all come through until now.
But the good things don't usually last long and just when I wanted to finally relax a little, things kick off again. Starting with a headache, which is actually very rare for me, to general tiredness and a constant runny nose. The signs are clear and obvious, even if I haven't felt quite as bad yet. I can remember much more severe infections that made me not want to get out of bed in the morning.
Fortunately, we're not quite there yet, and of course I hope it won't come to that point at all. Even if I don't have as much to do this week as I normally do, there are still a few appointments coming up that I'm reluctant to postpone. There's also a lot to prepare for the coming month, when we have very high-ranking visitors coming to our house. Until they arrive, it feels like half the house has to be rearranged, which is something I actually wanted to work on right now.
But I'd really like to just lie down and stay there until I feel better. At least I don't have to get up so early in the morning this week, so maybe I'll finally have the chance to get a good night's sleep. I make this plan all the time, but something always gets in the way, so I often look pretty crumpled in the morning.
That's why I'm almost wishing for another onset of winter with a huge load of fresh snow. Getting snowed in would be just the thing right now, then at least I'd have the right excuse for not wanting to leave the house. But even if it's supposed to stay cold this week, it probably won't be as wonderfully white as it was two weeks ago. At least not on our doorstep.
At the moment, it's all about waiting and resting. With a bit of luck, the big disaster will bypass me and the rest of my team and I'll soon be back to tearing up trees. Unfortunately, there aren't many of them in our street, so others have probably already taken over this work for me.
I guess I'm going to treat myself to a lemon before I have to get back to some work again. Things don't just get done on their own, so I suppose that's what I have to do now: Keep going....