how are you all I hope you're well. Alhamdulillah I'm fine. moment I came with a photography session. moment's occasion will substantially partake photography of some rain wet leaves. Green shops come greener and greener in thunderstorm water. And also the beauty of each tree increases several times. It's veritably nice to see when it rains and the water collects in the leaves of the tree. And also by shaking the leaves a little, it can be seen that the water accumulates in the gap between the leaves of the tree and falls again like rain. At the end of the rain, when I was a child, I used to shake the leaves of the trees and make it rain again. It was relatively delightful. This is a bean factory splint. The splint has come fully green after being wet with rain water. And it looks veritably beautiful. This splint is the splint of Safeda tree. A many days agone , a lot of dust accumulated in these leaves and came fully pale, but the leaves have come candescent in this rain water.
This flower is known to all of us as dragon flower. This flower generally blooms at night. So the beauty of this flower isn't visible during the day. And this veritably snappily the flowers wither. But the flower is relatively fresh in the rain water. I'm participating the photos with you first. This is what you all know. The name of this photography is paddy field. I'm trying to make the paddy field photography veritably beautiful. I hope everyone likes it. And natural photography is great for me. When I saw this photography after I did it, I liked it veritably much. You all can understand the photography that I'm participating with you. This is autumn evening photography. I'm trying to present in a nice way. I'm not a professional shooter. So perhaps the photos may be bad. still, I'm trying to present it to you in a beautiful way as much as I can. Hope you like it too.
The photography that I've participated with you is blue sky photography. I like the blue sky photography the most. The rest of the photography was also great. Anyway trying to do blue sky photography with bamboo leaves. I hope to present it to you in that way. I also really like to see the photography of the blue sky. Let me know how you like it. I'm presenting the photography to you now. This is my anonymous photography. But I'm doing this photography from the side of the road. But the flower is with the cut. perhaps the flower comes from the cut first. Anyway, I do not know anything. But I like the flower veritably much. I hope you like it veritably much.
Now you can understand the photography that I'm participating with you. This is swan photography. Now more or less everyone keeps swans in our area. It's veritably nice to see all the swans together. When I saw them, I took photography as soon as I saw them. Anyway hope you like it too. So guys this was some arbitrary photography moment. I do not know how you like myphotography.However, please note, If you like the photos. But I hope the photos aren't so bad. I'm trying to present it to you as stylish as I can. Anyway, I said farewell then moment. May you all be well and be healthy.
Photography | |
Device. | OPPO-A16 |
Very beautiful flowers. :)
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