To many family and friends I've told about Hive.Blog with the purpose that people from one to this fun community where you can find infinite topics and entertainment. So I was looking for a way to promote Hive with a nice infographic to summarize what is Hive Blog.
A muchos familiares y amigos les he hablado de Hive.Blog con el propósito de que personas de una a esta divertida comunidad donde puedes encontrar infinidades de temas y entretenimiento. Así que estuve buscando una forma de promocionar Hive con una linda infografía para resumir lo que es Hive Blog.

With Adobe Illustrator I have created this illustration to make this community better known with simple words.
I used some hexagons to simulate a beehive and I used friendly colors with gradients as much as in the figures as in the letters. Each hexagon represents a reason why people should join Hive.Blog.
Con Adobe Illustrator he creado esta ilustración para dar a conocer más esta comunidad con simples palabras.
Usé unos hexágonos para simular una colmena y usé colores amigables con degradados tanto como en las figuras como en las letras. Cada hexágono representa una razón por la cual las personas deben unirse a Hive.Blog.
The final result was a modern design with attractive descriptions for people who do not yet know Hive.Blog.
All you have to do is save the image and publish it in your social networks to make our community known. Remember that it is free to use and can be used by anyone.
El resultado final fue un diseño moderno con unas descripciones atractivas para las personas que aún no conocen Hive.Blog.
Lo único que debes hacer es guardar la imagen y publicarla en tus redes sociales para dar a conocer nuestra comunidad. Recuerda que es de libre uso y la puede usar cualquiera.
Made with Love
Ander Mendez.

Sweet logo for the original content art. Super clean and polished style with clear fonts and simple shapes. Did you make that too?
I'm glad you enjoyed it. The font was downloaded, the other stuff if I made it. If you need any design, let me know, no charge.
Most of my posts are bonsai trees and gardening updates. Think you could easily make a badge for bonsai original content?
I used to find a lot of plagiarized posts using plagiarized photos of famous bonsai trees, and I try to look out for these these things when curating and developing community with peers.
This pair of split images was one of my past designs, but it does not fit in with Hive because of the steem logo on the gong.
Not sure how helpful you feel. I'm preparing to launch a bonsai community. #teambonsai is the tag a few of us have always been posting to for years but we never launched an official community. Our footer gif logo is outdated with steem associations.
Do you ever design images for the portrait icon and the header backdrop for communities?
Following your work from now on.
You have Discord? To follow up on the proposals I'll be sending you.
I am not always online, but I am now. https://discord.gg/Xu2J8S