Good afternoon community! Following the series of recipes that I have published throughout these days, today I come to share a very special one; This preparation is known as "Karaage or Tori no Karaage" since it is made with chicken and it is a super delicious Japanese fried chicken recipe that is usually obtained in bars where it is accompanied by a good beer or simply to enjoy in meetings.
Esta receta es super sencilla y rápida, sin embargo su sabor es exquisito y resalta muy bien los acentos asiáticos aparte que posee una textura crujiente y liviana. En esta oportunidad les enseñaré mi modo de realizarla.
This recipe is super simple and fast, however its flavor is exquisite and it highlights Asian accents very well apart from its crisp and light texture. In this opportunity I will teach you how to do it.
Los ingredientes que necesitaremos son los siguientes:
The ingredients that we will need are the following:
- Contramuslo ó pechuga de pollo.
- 50 gramos de harina de trigo todo uso.
- 50 gramos de maizena o fécula de maíz.
- 1 cucharada de jengibre rallado.
- 1 cucharada de ajo rallado.
- 3 cucharadas de salsa de soya light.
- 1 cucharada de salsa de soya dark.
- 1 cucharada de vinagre de arroz o manzana.
- 1 cucharada de aceite de sésamo.
- ½ cucharada de pimienta blanca.
- 1 Huevo.
- Thigh or chicken breast.
- 50 grams of all-purpose wheat flour.
- 50 grams of cornstarch or cornstarch.
- 1 tablespoon of grated ginger.
- 1 tablespoon of grated garlic.
- 3 tablespoons of light soy sauce.
- 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce.
- 1 tablespoon of apple or rice vinegar.
- 1 tablespoon of sesame oil.
- ½ tablespoon of white pepper.
- 1 egg.
“Normalmente la receta se hace con fécula de papa o Katakuriko en vez de harina y maizena, sin embargo puede ser difícil de conseguir, a su vez la receta no lleva sal debido a que la soya ya es salada.”
"Normally the recipe is made with potato starch or Katakuriko instead of flour and cornstarch, however it can be difficult to get, in turn the recipe does not contain salt because the soy is already salty."
1)Lo primero será picar en trozos medianos nuestro pollo, mezclar con todos los ingredientes y dejar marinando en la nevera por lo mínimo 60 minutos.
1)The first thing will be to chop our chicken into medium pieces, mix with all the ingredients and leave to marinate in the fridge for at least 60 minutes.
2)Luego mezclamos nuestras harinas y pasados los 60 minutos procedemos a empanizar nuestros trozos de pollo marinados.
2)Then we mix our flours and after 60 minutes we proceed to bread our marinated chicken pieces.
3)En abundante aceite caliente aproximadamente a unos 160° C freímos nuestro pollo por lo menos unos 5 minutos, ya que realizaremos dos frituras para que nuestro pollo quede super crujiente.
3)In abundant hot oil at approximately 160 ° C we fry our chicken for at least 5 minutes, since we will perform two fryings so that our chicken is super crispy.
4)Una vez freido el pollo, lo sacamos del aceite y dejamos enfriar; si no se tiene tiempo puede ser por unos 5 minutos.
4)Once the chicken is fried, we remove it from the oil and let it cool; if you don't have time it can be for about 5 minutes.
5)Pasados los 5 minutos procedemos a realizar la segunda fritura, subimos la temperatura del aceite al menos a unos 170 - 180°C y freímos por unos 5 minutos más.
5)After 5 minutes we proceed to perform the second frying, raise the temperature of the oil to at least 170 - 180 ° C and fry for about 5 more minutes.
Tip: La doble fritura o el doble frito es una técnica que permite endurecer aún más el empanizado y que nuestro pollo quede super crujiente.
Tip: Double frying or double frying is a technique that allows the breading to harden even more and make our chicken super crispy.
6)Al estar dorado el pollo sacamos del aceite y dejamos escurrir sobre papel absorbente.
6)When the chicken is golden, remove from the oil and drain on absorbent paper.
Listo, ya tenemos nuestro KARAAGE perfecto para comer, podemos acompañar con algunas gotas de jugo de limón que le dan un sabor delicioso. En esta oportunidad yo acompañe mi Karaage con ensalada de papas y un Butter Rice con salsa de soya.
Done, we already have our perfect KARAAGE to eat, we can accompany it with a few drops of lemon juice that give it a delicious flavor. This time I accompanied my Karaage with potato salad and a Butter Rice with soy sauce.
Espero les haya gustado esta fácil receta, nos leemos pronto!
I hope you liked this easy recipe, see you soon!
I love this. I was about to order Chicken Karage but with salted egg sauce. It's very good !
I love it too! It´s so delicious, I haven´t try that sauce but sounds good!, Thanks for comment!
Se ve bastante delicioso!
Muchas gracias! La verdad si queda muy rico!