Mi rotacion por el servicio de Cirugia General ---- My rotation in the General Surgery Service [ESP-ENG]

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

Mi rotacion por Cirugia General

Hola a todos! Como estan? Que me cuentan de sus vidad? Yo bien feliz, ya puedo decir que termine mi rotacion por el servicio de Cirugia General, para los que no saben, para obetener el titulo de Medico Cirujano debemos rotar por servicios como este, que incluyen Cirugia general como tal que opera todo lo que es el tronco del cuerpo, hasta cuello, tambien el servicio de Traumatologia y Ortopedia, que opera netamente extremidades y el servicio de Neurocirugia que es solo cerebro, yo acabe de rotar por el servicio de Cirugia General, la verdad no es mi favorito, el ambiente es diferente, la verdad es que es super exigente, es literal otro mundo.

Hello everyone! How are you? What do you tell me about your life? I am very happy, I can already say that I finished my rotation for the General Surgery service, for those who do not know, to obtain the title of Medical Surgeon we must rotate through services like this, which include General Surgery as such that operates everything that is the trunk of the body, up to neck, Also the service of Traumatology and Orthopedics, which operates purely extremities and the service of Neurosurgery which is only brain, I just rotate through the service of General Surgery, the truth is not my favorite, the environment is different, the truth is that it is super demanding, it is literally another world.

832c2824-968f-4319-ac7d-5093c4ccd960.jpg Hospital Central de San Cristobal, Colecistectomia parcial.

El reglamento de mi universidad es rotar dos meses por ese servicio, el horario es de 6:30 am a 2:00pm de lunes a viernes, y guardias cada 4 dias de 24 horas. Me pego bastante el horario de las guardias, porque oye, hay guardias donde no se duerme y se tiene que ir al servicio de post-guardia.

Culmine el servicio con un parcial, que sinceramente estudie con bastante anticipacion, y a pesar de eso deje cosas en blanco que no habia estudiado, no fue dificil, en lineas generales, pero cuando no se esta seguro de algo mejor ni inventar.

My university's regulation is to rotate two months for that service, the schedule is from 6:30 am to 2:00 pm from Monday to Friday, and on call every 4 days of 24 hours. The schedule of the shifts hit me pretty hard, because hey, there are shifts where you don't sleep and you have to go to the post-guard service.

I finished the service with a partial, which I honestly studied well in advance, and despite that I left things blank that I had not studied, it was not difficult, in general, but when you are not sure of something better not to invent

c545b2da-0fc4-4a25-98f3-94362b2296c2.JPG Hospital Central de San Cristobal, Pre- Parcial.

8211627c-0f16-46dc-b1f7-2aee797ac64c (1).JPG Hospital Central de San Cristobal, Piso de cirugia General.

Cirugia no me gusta como postgrado para mi, no es dificil, pero cuando a uno no le gusta algo pues ni que se lo regalen.

I don't like surgery as a postgraduate course for me, it's not difficult, but when you don't like something, you can't even get it for free.

Entre a muchisimas cirugias, y tuve la oportunidad de que me vistieran, en cirugia vestir es como lo dice el nombre, vestir con ropa de cirujano esteril, y pues se tiene la posibilidad de meter mano y ayudar en la cirugia, esperaba en ese momento tener una super sensacion, pero la verdad no fue asi, una de mis primeras cirugias fue una obstruccion intestinal, y duro 7 horas la cirugia.
No fue agradable como principiante durar 7 horas de pie y sosteniendo instrumental quirurgico, mis manos sufrieron muchisimo, y mis pies ni hablar.

Ese mismo dia entre a otra cirugia, otra obstruccion intestinal, y duro 4 horas. Ese dia sali super muerta, queria solo dormir, y no es solo eso, que tenia servicio al otro dia, sinceramente creo fue la peor guardia, o no se si se sintio asi por ser la primera.

I went to many surgeries, and I had the opportunity to dress me, in surgery to dress is as the name says, dress in sterile surgeon's clothes, and then you have the chance to put your hand and help in surgery, I expected at that time to have a super feeling, but the truth was not so, one of my first surgeries was an intestinal obstruction, and the surgery lasted 7 hours.
It was not pleasant as a beginner to last 7 hours standing and holding surgical instruments, my hands suffered a lot, and my feet not to mention.

That same day I went in for another surgery, another intestinal obstruction, and it lasted 4 hours. That day I left super dead, I just wanted to sleep, and not only that, I had service the next day, I sincerely believe it was the worst guard, or I do not know if it felt that way for being the first.
La verdad es que los ultimos dias ya me habia adaptado, pero siento que no es mi lugar, extrañare estar con mi grupo de compañeros, nos hicimos muy unidos en medio de tanto estres.

7a3b3ae2-5d95-4650-9eb6-b6c10656daf7.JPG Hospital Central de San Cristobal, Colecistectomia parcial.

Hospital Central de San Cristobal, Hernia Inguinal derecha atascada.

4350E556-884D-4241-8578-B1253B58E938.JPG Hospital Central de San Cristobal

The truth is that the last few days I had already adapted, but I feel that it is not my place, I will miss being with my group of colleagues, we became very close in the midst of so much stress.

Voy a extrañar estar en cirugia a la expectativa de lo que se pueda encontrar en la cavidad abdominal, como muchos cirujanos comentan, el abdomen es una caja de pandora.
Nuestro evaluador es el jefe del servicio de Cirugia General, por lo tanto la presion que teniamos no era facil.

No todo es malo, la verdad es que este servicio me dejo muchisimas enseñanzas, y tips para diagnosticar patologias quirurgicas, saber priorizar, aunque se escuche muy tonto, no es tan sencillo porque no son cosas que se ven a simple vista.

Mi proximo servico es Traumatologia y Ortopedia, y siento que me va a gustar, alli se aprende a a inmovilizar, a aplicar los primeros auxilios al paciente politraumatizado, a resolver realmente las emergencias mas comunes como lo son accidentes de transito.

I will miss being in surgery in expectation of what may be found in the abdominal cavity, as many surgeons comment, the abdomen is a pandora's box.
Our evaluator is the chief of the General Surgery service, so the pressure we were under was not easy.

Not everything is bad, the truth is that this service left me many lessons, and tips to diagnose surgical pathologies, to know how to prioritize, although it sounds very silly, it is not so simple because they are not things that can be seen with the naked eye.

My next service is Traumatology and Orthopedics, and I feel that I am going to like it, there you learn to immobilize, to apply first aid to the polytraumatized patient, to really solve the most common emergencies such as traffic accidents

IMG_8433.JPG Yo de postguardia.

IMG_8175.jpg Mi grupo increible.

Espero les haya gustado mi post.

I hope you liked my post.


Su post ha sido valorado por @goya