Greetings friends of @Gems
#Fraternal greetings! @Milagros
We become what we see, what we see continuously is what we usually end up flooded with, it has an effect on us and on our perspective.
We can communicate with just one look, one look can define you but it also helps you understand others. A look is very difficult to disguise, naturally love and hate can read deep in the eyes, we can show our own soul.
Appearances are very difficult to disguise when we undress, a gaze can be left in total nakedness.

And when your gaze coincides with another gaze and they see each other deeply, both are united, revealing each other. They stop being two eyes in full communication to become two profound souls in love. When you see his eyes and you manage to connect you can see his reflected gaze, a sigh and his silence can reveal what his souls contain.