Hola hola a todos, me uno a esta iniciativa de @iamsaray seria chevere leerlos a ustedes tambien😜 a ver en que los gastarian jeje
Quote Hello hello everyone, I join this initiative of @iamsaray would be great to read you too😜 to see what you would spend it on hehe
¿Que harias con 1000$?
¿Que harias con 1000$?
Pues lo primero es saber que 1000$ es un monto que ANTES yo veía muy grande, cuando era mas niña obvio, no tenia responsabilidades asi que eso para mi hubiese sido una fortuna 😂 hoy en dia todo es totalmente distinto, sin embargo me encantaria tenerlo actualmente, me ayudarian a resolver ciertas cositas, se las comento aca👇👇
Quote Well the first thing is to know that $1000 is an amount that BEFORE I saw very big, when I was a child obviously, I had no responsibilities so that for me would have been a fortune 😂 today everything is totally different, however I would love to have it now, it would help me to solve certain things, I comment here👇👇
1) Sin duda alguna, buscando mi paz mental, lo primero que haria es finiquitar lo del alquiler de una casa, comoda, donde pueda estar tranquila con mi esposo y mis hijos, LO DESEO demasiado, pero pues situacion pais, todo se ha extendido mas de lo que pensabamos asi que con parte de ese dinero sin duda me iria a vivir sola!
Quote 1 Without a doubt, looking for my peace of mind, the first thing I would do is to settle the rent of a house, comfortable, where I can be quiet with my husband and my children, I WANT it too much, but the country situation, everything has been extended more than we thought so with part of that money I would certainly go to live alone!
2) Lo segundo que haria es pues obviamente terminar de comprar todo lo que me falta para la llegada de mi beba, dicen que los bebes siempre vienen con el pan debajo del brazo, y no dudo que asi sea, pero quiero darle TODO LO MEJOR a mi niña, con mi primer bebe a las 3 meses me toco ponerle pañales ecologicos por la misma situacion pais, para ese momento los pañales estaban super escasos y los que se conseguian estaban POR LAS NUBES, asi que me toco lavar mucho pañal, en ese tiempo se me quemaba mucho mi bebe y la verdad no quisiera que la beba pase lo mismo! Asi que sin duda compraria MUCHO pañal!! Ropita y demas!
Quote 2 The second thing I would do is obviously finish buying everything I need for the arrival of my baby, they say that babies always come with bread under the arm, and I do not doubt that it is so, but I want to give ALL THE BEST to my girl, with my first baby at 3 months I had to put organic diapers for the same situation in my country, at that time diapers were super scarce and those that were available were CRAZY, so I had to wash a lot of diapers, at that time my baby burned a lot and the truth is I would not want the baby to go through the same! So I would definitely buy a LOT of diapers! Clothes and so on!
3 Y por Ultimo llevaría a mi papá al Oftalmologo, tiene serios problemas en la vista, y en la actualidad sus ingresos dependen netamente de sus ojitos, se dedica a reparar todo tipo de electrodomesticos! Y mi mamá dice "al apagarse esos foquitos, nos la veremos fea" y ustedes diran "wao, tan dificil es ir a una consulta? " y no, no cuesta una millonada, pero mi meta es sacarlo de ahi directo con sus lentes, y actualmente no dispongo para eso, asi que sin duda entraria entre las cosas que haria con los 1000$
Quote 3 And lastly, I would take my dad to the Ophthalmologist, he has serious eye problems, and nowadays his income depends entirely on his eyes, he repairs all kinds of household appliances! And my mom says "when those little lights go out, we'll have a hard time" and you will say "wow, how hard is it to go to a consultation?" and no, it doesn't cost a million dollars, but my goal is to get him out of there with his glasses, and I don't have enough money for that, so it would definitely be among the things I would do with the 1000$.
Hasta aca llegué 😂 espero que este mes pueda lograr esos 1000$ con mi negocio, los hago en 2 normalmente, pero teniendolos adicional a todo lo demas, seria genial😂😂
Animense con la iniciativa, esta genial💪
Quote So far I got this far 😂 I hope that this month I can achieve that 1000$ with my business, I make it in 2 normally, but having it in addition to everything else, it would be great😂😂
Cheer up with the initiative, it's great💪
Todas las Imagenes son de mi propiedad, y la traduccion es de Deepl.com
Quote All Images are my property, and the translation is from Deepl.com
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