Greetings to all the members of the community, this time I want to tell you about one of my hobbies. One of the things I like to do the most is to take pictures of everything around me, from the simplest insect to the most beautiful flower. When it rains, I enjoy it even more, I get excited! I feel that there is life in every drop and once it is in contact with the plants, the soil and more, it generates endless things, but above all, LIFE. One of the organisms I show you below (photos of my property), is a bacidiomycete fungus. It grows in humid soils, but its life span is only a few hours, which is why it is considered to be an evanescent fungus.
Quizás en ello se resume la vida, encontrar lo hermoso en las pequeñas cosas, en los mínimos detalles que resultan ser grandes y majestuosos. La naturaleza, a diario no enseña eso y más ¡Valoremosla!
Perhaps this is what life is all about, finding beauty in the little things, in the smallest details that turn out to be great and majestic. Nature teaches us this and more every day. Let's value it!