El Disfrute de un Bello Atardecer /Enjoy a Beautiful Sunset

in GEMS4 years ago
La vida no es tan complicada, somos nosotros los que la hacemos complicada con la forma de analizar e interpretar las situaciones. Hay tantas cosas por las cuales agradecer, y sin embargo perdemos tiempo enojándonos por tonterías, por pequeñas cosas, que a la larga tienen solución. Todo lo que sucede en nuestra vida tiene solución, incluyendo lo que llamamos muerte, eso también tiene solución, porque nuestra alma pasa a otra dimensión, nunca muere, lo que desaparece es el cuerpo físico. Entonces aprovechemos estas cosas hermosas que tenemos en nuestro frente para disfrutar nuestra estadía aquí en este hermoso Planeta Tierra. Disfrutar de un hermoso atardecer es mágico, es reconfortante, armónico, relajante, muy sanador del alma y del espíritu. Además es gratis no tenemos que invertir por ello.

Life is not that complicated, we are the ones who make it complicated with the way we analyze and interpret situations. There are so many things to be thankful for, and yet we waste time getting angry over nonsense, over little things, which in the long run have a solution. Everything that happens in our life has a solution, including what we call death, that also has a solution, because our soul passes to another dimension, it never dies, what disappears is the physical body. So let's take advantage of these beautiful things that we have in front of us to enjoy our stay here on this beautiful Planet Earth. Enjoying a beautiful sunset is magical, it is comforting, harmonious, relaxing, very healing for the soul and spirit. It is also free, we do not have to invest for it.

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Settings: ISO-50, F/2/TV 1/717

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Settings: ISO-50, F/2/TV 1/895

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Settings: ISO-50, F/2/TV 1/1060

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Settings: ISO-50, F/2/TV 1/1083

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Settings: ISO-50, F/2/TV 1/813

Thanks for viewing and reading my publication

Camera: Blu G6
Location: Venezuela

by: @mirla33


Humans are masters at squandering time and energy in all the wrong places and spaces. One can only hope that the handfulnof those which see this and therefore implement change, are enough to create new ripples.

Truly lovely pics!


Hi @jaynie, thank you. Beautiful words. we must come into consciousness to better enjoy our stay here on this beautiful planet.