Travel With Family On The Edge Of The Mountain
Good evening dear friend, how are you tonight? this time I will share an interesting story for other friends who like to travel and climb, this story I started from the previous day between my father's family who want to travel before welcoming the fasting month, and this has become a habit for my workshop employees before fasting we always travel cool place, like a nice river view. The three families who took part in this tour made us very happy and always brought ducks for us to cook on site, and the location we visited was in the North Aceh area, Nisam Antara District, precisely known as Mount Salak, but this place rarely visited by tourists, it may be due to its location so deep and far, also the damaged road that decreases can be at great risk.
Continuing the story, when we arrived at the location we immediately cut the duck that we brought from the previous house, my father and others who cut the duck while my workshop staff and I looked for banana tree trunks to cook with ducks, sometimes there were bananas and it made the duck dishes taste better .

For all of you friends here are the duck seasonings we serve:
- Duck
- Coconut milk from grains
- Three pieces of orange leaf
- two turmeric leaves
- three syringe acids
- two lemongrass stems
- galangal
- six spoon brown sugar tea
- cooking oil
- banana stems

Finally, what I was looking for also met with a banana tree trunk that was still unheard of, and this made the duck dishes even more delicious, short story of all this until the food was ready to be served. Can you imagine us eating ducks in the middle of the river flowing and the natural atmosphere that is so cool, and this is a moment that I can not forget, not only is the pleasure of cooking but also the water in this river is pure clear from the mountains, so we bathe freshly and very pleasant, also the food we eat is also very delicious in the middle of this river.
Thank you to all of you who have followed my story, interesting is not my trip with family? let's support it together so that I can be even more excited to share other interesting natural stories.