Movieman1 Introduction and my community Introduction | Hello guys!

in GEMS4 years ago


Hi guys! I'm movieman1 or just man who love a good movie. At one time I watched a movie in tons. I like good films and I collect them. I also write reviews and can recommend a lot of good films for you.

Perhaps someday I will become a director or film critic. I am very interested in this, but so far I have much to learn and go through a certain experience.

My favorite directors:

  • David Lynch
  • Jim Jarmusch
  • Darren Aronofsky
  • Guy Ritchie
  • Clint Eastwood
  • Alexey Balabanov

My favorite actors:

  • Keanu Reeves
  • Jack Nicholson
  • Clint Eastwood
  • Robert De Niro
  • Al Pacino
  • Jonny Lee Miller
  • Lucy Liu

Many people know me by nickname @gulia.peito. I say this right away so as not to mislead anyone. I created this account only for my film activities and curation of posts related to films. I want to separate my music and movie activities in order to concentrate on things separately.

I created a community where you will see thematic content dedicated to films. Films, reviews, disclosure of meaning. Do not forget to subscribe. Themed content is rewarded, cross-post is welcome :)

What To Watch Community

I want to create a powerful cinema community that will collect all movie-related posts in one place. And I will invest in this my passion, creativity and knowledge.

Dear @appreciator, @rocky1, @upmewhale, @acidyo, @curie — I will be very grateful if you subscribe to this community in the same way and support people who write movie reviews.

See you in new posts!


Welcome movieman1!
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