It took me many years to understand this simple thing that we can create our happiness! I personally used to think that, life is not on our hands, we can't control anything, no even know what can happen next. So how come we build our own happiness.
Well, when you understand there's no connection between money with happiness, nor it has any connection with the certainty of life, maybe then it gets easy to understand how happiness works. And surely then we can build our happiness!
We can't change and control any event of life. But we always can have a grip on what we will react. One of your close friends betray you and ruin your relationship; you may not know that but it's up to you how you gonna react with it.
You can work on making the relationship work again, finding the causes that makes the other part do so, move on, break down or whatever it is. You see, it's actually up to us whether we choose to smile or make it complex.
But yeah, it's not always easy to learn what to choose, what can be best for us. Because there are so many options and other's expectations also involved with it. If you ask me, I would say; go with your heart. It may sound foolish.
If you have a strong gut you will win most of the cases. But it's better to learn how to choose the best for us. Our decision-making power, self-control & awareness, mindfulness and emotional ability everything related to it.
You have to understand that happiness is a mindset. And we can set the mind as per. Happiness does not demand any external event to make us happy, nor any accomplishment or achievement rather it's a feeling we can create through some life-based practice. But the most important thing to remember is it's in your hand. You have to believe it to achieve it!
HOLA, me agrado lo que esplayaste en tu post, es una gran verdad, la felicidad es externa pero nace en nuestro interior, al expulsarlo hacia afuera, nos llena el alma, gracias por compartir.
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Very insightful. I love the way you closed. “Its in your hands”