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RE: The Coronavirus Fiscal/Monetary Stimulus is already out of control, and it's likely just getting started

in GEMS5 years ago

US Dollar can't be worth less than it is now... Like I have said in previous comments, since currencies were detached from gold supply, all printed money has been from thin air...

More they print money, more prices will drop and that means value of USD will go up...

Eventually prices will drop so much that they need to add more decimals or cheapest products will cost less than 0.01 USD.


Its about the buying power of dollar. The buying power of 1 dollar on 1980 is equal to buying power of 100 dollar now.

True... But in few weeks buying power of 100 dollars will be a lot more. People can't buy as much there is supply and that will push the prices down and cause snowball effect on buying power.

You got it backwards here. The more they print the more things denominated in dollars, like houses and cheeseburgers (and bitcoin) will go up. The dollar is relatively strong right now, when all this money printing starts making its away into the broader economy, inflation ensues.

As long as the pandemic continues, there is oversupply of certain economically important products and services and that will push prices down hard.