Hello friends of Hive, today I will tell you a little about myself, I was born in Cumaná Sucre State, since my early schooling I studied at the U.E. Fe y Alegría "San Luis" until I finished my Baccalaureate there I spent part of the first years of my life where I met and shared with extraordinary people who to this day we continue in communication as if each one had never taken different directions, at the end of my high school studies I immediately had the good fortune to enter a University Institute at that time called the University Institute of Technology of Cumaná where I studied until the 6th semester and in 2007 I obtained the title of Higher University Technician in Computer Science.
En esté Instituto Universitario tuve la dicha de toparme con un ser maravillo donde compartimos muchas vivencias durante nuestra estadía en dicha casa de estudios, esa persona se llama Osman Jesús Pineda Gil y actualmente es mi esposo desde diciembre del 2008.
In this University Institute I had the happiness of running into a wonderful being where we shared many experiences during our stay in said house of studies, that person is called Osman Jesús Pineda Gil and he is currently my husband since December 2008.
Tengo 2 hermosos hijos que son los que me impulsan a seguir adelante día a día, mi hijo mayor Osman Santiago Pineda Figueroa nació el 28/12/2009, ese día fuí muy feliz cuando lo tuve por primera vez entre mis brazos, actualmente tiene 11 años de edad estudia 6to grado y es un niño muy extrovertido que disfruta siendo sociable y expresando sus ideas y emociones, le apasiona la lectura y le gusta la música, mi segundo retoño es mi hija Sabrina Osmariel Pineda Figueroa nació el 12/01/2015, llegó también a mí vidas a llenarla de alegría tiene actualmente 6 años de edad estudia 1er grado y es un niña muy cariñosa, sociable y amable.
I have 2 beautiful children who are the ones that drive me to keep going day by day, my eldest son Osman Santiago Pineda Figueroa was born on 12/28/2009, that day I was very happy when I held him for the first time in my arms, he is currently 11 He is studying 6th grade and he is a very outgoing child who enjoys being sociable and expressing his ideas and emotions, he is passionate about reading and he likes music, my second child is my daughter Sabrina Osmariel Pineda Figueroa was born on 01/12/2015 , lives also came to me to fill her with joy. She is currently 6 years old, she is studying 1st grade and is a very affectionate, sociable and kind girl.Disfrutó estar en mi hogar en compañía de mi familia, hacer los quehaceres y ayudar a mis hijos en sus actividades del colegio y en cualquier otra actividad extra académica que a ellos les guste.
He enjoyed being at home in the company of my family, doing chores and helping my children in their school activities and in any other extra-academic activity that they like.
Por aquí les estaré compartiendo contenidos de mi interés y espero que les guste. Hasta la próxima.
Around here I will be sharing content of my interest and I hope you like it.
Que linda familia! muy bienvenida a hive y a esta comunidad, te deseo el mayor de los exitos!