Una Pelea en el Bar [Epa-Eng]

in GEMS2 months ago


Quien no recuerda aquellos días de la universidad, por lo menos yo sí, algunos estarán viviendo esos gloriosos momentos, pero las personas de mi edad, que son mayores a 40 y menores de 50 (que viejo estoy), lo recordamos con suspiros.

Hoy voy a contarles un anécdota de esos gloriosos días, yo estudie Administración de Empresas, en la Universidad Centro Occidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA) por sus siglas, cerca de ésta casa de estudio había un bar, antro o sitio de recreación, como lo queramos llamar, donde nos reunimos y tomábamos esas bebidas espumantes, que despiertan el elipse de la locura y desinhiben las más bajas pasiones del ser humano, el cual frecuentaba mucho, por no decir que iba todo los días.

Un día fui, con mi hermana y su pareja, a aquel recinto de lujuria y embriaguez, estabamos tomando una y otra bebida espumante, con mucha música y bailando, momentos especiales, ya teniamos alrededor de unas 2 horas allí y 10 cervezas en la cabeza, cuando mi cuñado (El Chino) va al baño, al quedar sola mi hermana, se acerca un muchacho y la invita a bailar, ella como es de cadera alegre aceptó, y empiezan a bailar como si fuese lambada, sale mi cuñado del baño y ve aquel ritual de danza prohibida, rosando de forma abrupta sus miembros reproductores, como si estuvieran haciendo el amor con la ropa.

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Who doesn't remember those university days, at least I do, some of you may be living those glorious moments, but people of my age, who are older than 40 and younger than 50 (how old I am), remember it with sighs.

Today I am going to tell you an anecdote of those glorious days, I studied Business Administration at the Universidad Centro Occidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA) by its acronym, near this house of study there was a bar, joint or recreation site, whatever we want to call it, where we met and drank those sparkling drinks, which awaken the ellipse of madness and uninhibit the lowest passions of the human being, which I frequented a lot, not to say that I went every day.

One day I went, with my sister and her partner, to that place of lust and drunkenness, we were drinking one and another sparkling drink, with a lot of music and dancing, special moments, we had been there for about 2 hours and 10 beers in our heads, when my brother in law (El Chino) went to the bathroom, when my sister was left alone, a boy approached her and invited her to dance, she accepted, as she is happy hip, and they start dancing as if it were lambada, my brother-in-law comes out of the bathroom and sees that ritual of forbidden dance, abruptly touching their reproductive members, as if they were making love with their clothes.



El Chino ya con unos tragos de mas, se molesta y mi hermana al ver la situación, empieza actuar como Mimi Lazo, empuja al muchacho con quien bailaba y le grita ¡abusador!, mi cuñado salta a la pista y da una patada voladora al estilo Jackie Chan.

Se formó la gran pelea, eran botellazos, golpes, muchos peleando contra nosotros dos, cuando en cierto momento le dan golpe con una silla en la cabeza al chino, aquello fue como en camara lenta, cayó al piso y empezo a convulsionar, botaba saliva por la boca una escena dantesca.

Al ver aquello, mi hermana se lanza al piso y grita ¡mataron al chino! Todo las personas salieron corriendo del sitio, no quedó nadie, el dueño del negocio asustado grita ¡me desgraciaron el bar! mi hermana llorando, todo un drama, llega un momento de silencio y veo al Chino deja de temblar y pensé ¡se murio! cuando de pronto abre un ojo y me pregunta ¿se fueron todos? se limpia la boca, se levanta y dice ¡naaaaa cuñao menos mal que soy buen actor y me invente el show, eran muchos y nos fuesen matado!

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El Chino, already with a few too many drinks, gets upset and my sister, seeing the situation, starts acting like Mimi Lazo, pushes the boy with whom she was dancing and shouts "abuser! , My brother-in-law jumps onto the dance floor and gives a Jackie Chan style flying kick.

The big fight broke out, there were bottles, blows, many people fighting against the two of us, when at a certain moment the Chinese guy was hit in the head with a chair, it was like in slow motion, he fell to the floor and began to convulse, spitting saliva from his mouth, a Dantesque scene.

On seeing this, my sister threw herself to the floor and shouted "they killed the Chinese guy! All the people ran out of the place, there was no one left, the scared owner of the business shouted "they ruined my bar! my sister was crying, a whole drama, there came a moment of silence and I saw Chino stop shaking and I thought "he died! when suddenly he opened one eye and asked me "did they all leave? he wiped his mouth, stood up and said" naaaaa, good thing I'm a good actor and I made up the show, there were so many of them and they killed us!
