in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Hola queridos amigos de Hive Blog, hoy estuve pensando que durante años , mejor dicho durante décadas he escuchado hablar sobre la tercera guerra mundial , que estábamos cerca de presenciarla, y que iba ser mas terrible que la segunda guerra que azoto a la humanidad en aquel entonces.

  • Hello dear friends of hive blog, today I was thinking that For years, or rather for decades I have heard about the third world war, that we were close to witnessing it, and that it was going to be more terrible than the second war that hit humanity at that time.


viendo y analizando todos los acontecimientos que estamos viviendo a nivel mundial, estoy por pensar que ya la estamos padeciendo. Si, suena descabellado verdad? quizás si.
si observamos detalladamente los acontecimientos que se presentan día a día producto de un arma letal como el COVID-19.

  • seeing and analyzing all the events that we are experiencing worldwide, I am about to think that we are already suffering from it. Yes, it sounds crazy right? maybe yes.
    if we look in detail at the events that occur every day as a result of a lethal weapon such as COVID-19.

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no seria raro pensar que estamos en una guerra silenciosa, y como en toda guerra, la cantidad de victimas son incontables.

  • It would not be strange to think that we are in a silent war, and as in any war, the number of victims are uncountable.


Recuerdo escuchar que de presentarse la tercera guerra mundial podría ser con armas biológicas, debido al avance y dominio de la tecnología, entonces me pregunto: ¿ sera una locura lo que estoy pensando? quizás si, quizás no ; solo el tiempo lo dirá. Por ahora solo nos toca actuar como soldado precavido, actuando con inteligencia y astucia y con la FE intacta. muchos dicen que esto es bíblico, puede ser, y hasta profético, igual el único que puede detener esta arma es nuestro creador, sin el es imposible salir victorioso de esta batalla.

  • I remember hearing that if the third world war occurred it could be with biological weapons, due to the advancement and dominance of technology, so I wonder: is what I'm thinking crazy? maybe yes, maybe not; Only time will tell. For now we only have to act as a cautious soldier, acting with intelligence and cunning and with FAITH intact. Many say that this is biblical, it can be, and even prophetic, just as the only one who can stop this weapon is our creator, without him it is impossible to be victorious in this battle.

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