Perfectly timed post for me to wish you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas :-)
As for the song...I always disliked the insipid Simon and Garfunkel but the Disturbs cover of Sound of Silence is a classic!
You take care and a lovely holiday :-)
As a non-native English speaker I had to look up 'insipid', thanks for getting me to learn a new word today :D
Yes, I can understand why you feel that way, and I think I've started to love the original more after getting to know the Disturbed's version if that makes any sense :-)
Thanks for the Holiday wishes, I wish you and everyone you care about a wonderful Christmas in return! <3
As a native speaker, I often use words incorrectly or misspelled so thank you for googling it and giving me an ego boost knowing I was correct lol lol...
Thanks, catch you on the flip side :-)
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