Hello everyone,
And Welcome once again to my blog, i hope you and your love ones are staying safe and adhering to all protocols been put in place to combat the novel corona virus. Today i would like us to discuss how one may be able to tell when something is wrong with their binocular vision that they may be able to seek the necessary help.
Binocular Vision issues are sometimes a little difficult to diagnose because they can masquerade as others very simple and so without the necessary tests and tool kits, one may easily be misdiagnosed or mistreated, however for most patients who do not try to keep information from their doctors eventually we nab the problem and help them out.
Ok, so we see our two eyes this process is what is called binocular vision, bi meaning two and ocular meaning the eyes, so in other words vision with the two eyes, this system is supposed to function in a particular way, mainly using two system thus the vergence and accomodation system, it when any of these two goes haywire that we end up having binocular vision problems. We may take a look at some of them and discuss the details later but for now lets look at how we can tell that we may be having binocular vision problems.
The first clue to knowing that you have binocular vision problems is that your vision is mostly better with one eye closed or when you decide to use only one. In other situations your symptoms also vanish when you close one eye or decide to use only one eye to function. Some common symptoms you may also notice include, headaches with near work or reading, eye pain with near work or reading, blur vision at distance or at near even with prescription and double vision or diplopia.
You are to expect the routine test you go through whenever you visit the eye clinic, in addition there will some extra tests, actually a lot more which is probably going to stress you and your eyes but know that is it for your good because in the end you will become a better person with a bettervision. Thanks for reading and have a nice time.
Good health tips
Thanks you
making the vision a mission is good. Great work bro @nattybongo
Thanks for reading senior Sam, it is pleasure