Helicobacter pylori, My experience, my story. |||| Helicobacter pylori, Mi experiencia, mi historia.

in GEMS3 years ago

Bacteria helicobacter pylori.png

Hola amigos Hivers, espero que tengan un lindo día hoy, les hablare sobre mi experiencia con la bacteria helicobacter pylori .

  • La bacteria helicobacter es;
    Helicobacter pylori es una bacteria que suele alojarse en el estómago. Tiene forma de espiral y en uno de sus extremos cuenta con una especie de pelos móviles (flagelos) que le permiten desplazarse y aferrarse a la mucosa.

  • Además, produce amoniaco que neutraliza el ácido del estómago y, de este modo, puede sobrevivir en un medio tan hostil como los jugos gástricos.



Mi historia:

Hace unos años cuando tenia 16 años una mañana muy temprano me levante vomitando desesperadamente, y con un dolor de estomago horrible, mis padres y yo pensaba que era algo normal, que me había caído mal alguna comida del día anterior, o simplemente tenia un resfriado estomacal, me compraron un medicamento para el dolor de estomago y no se me aliviaba, ese día no pude comer nada me sentía muy mal con el dolor, el día siguiente empeore me llevaron al medico, me mandaron un tratamiento para ver si mejoraría y no fue así, cada día era peor me volvieron a llevar al medico me mandaron hacer un eco y no me salio nada, entonces me mandaron hacer una endoscopia, la verdad es que o no quería, le tenia miedo a ese examen, sentía que me lastimarían mas, así que acudí a otro doctor gastroenteròlogo, me solicitaron hacer una prueba de sangre Helicobacter pylori porque según los síntomas daban con esa enfermedad, me realize el examen y efectivamente salio positivo el dr me mando unos antibióticos, uff eso me ponía peor, de lo peor, estaba muy mal no comía todo lo que comía, absolutamente todo, lo vomitaba, lo único que medio retenía en el cuerpo era un jugo de durazno y una galleta soda, cada día iba mas flaca pesaba 45kg y llegue a pesar 35kg .



La mayoría de estas bacteria da por el agua, o las comidas mal lavadas, contaminadas, como la lechuga repollo, tomates, cebollas, carnes. Entre otros.

  • Y no te miento comía mucha comida chatarra, me encantaba comer en la calle.

En fin cumplí el tratamiento pero nada, cada día me sentía peor, regrese al medico y me mando un protector gástrico porque la pastilla era muy fuerte y me pegaba en el estomago, cumplí el tratamiento nuevamente y nada, mi piel estaba pálida de tanto antibiótico y de no comer, mi mama ya hasta dormía conmigo porque estaba muy mal, me hospitalizaron 2 veces con el dolor y me aplicaban un relajante por las venas para calmar el dolor, la verdad es que ni lo recuerdo bien por los dolores tan fuerte que no me podía concentrar en nada. Se me calmaba un poco y para la casa de nuevo, mis padres estaban desesperados conmigo no sabían que hacer ya, y al verme así de flaca se desesperaban mas.

Dure 2 meses con el tratamiento el cual no me hacia nada por ende mi mama empezó a preguntar, averiguar, que podía hacer para curarme esa bacteria, muchas personas le comentaban de remedio naturales el cual me los aplico y no me hacia nada hasta que un día le hablaron de la creolina, yo lo tome como una idea absurda, y ademas ya estaba cansada de tomar de todo y el dolor seguía allí constante, al pasar los día y mi mama verme así me compro la creolina y me dijo para cuando te decidas mi bebe acá ya compre la creolina ¿ok?, llegue a un momento en que yo sentía que no podía mas le dije mama por favor mamila realizarme la cuestión no puedo mas, mi mama inmediatamente tomo una capsula de protector gástrico le quito lo que tenia por dentro y introdujo 2 gotas de creolina lo hice con fe me persigné. dure unos días igual y luego me mejore bastante se me alivio mucho el dolor, pero no podía comer alimentos que dieran gases, me daban dolores de estómagos y se me quitaban no eran dolores fijo ni fuertes como me daban antes, a los 15 días me tocaba otra dosis y no quise aplicármela me daba miedo y como me sentía mucho mejor no me pareció buena idea, tuve la dieta como por dos años no comía dulce no comía chatarra no comía refrescos, no comía granos, comía era puro alimentos livianos llegue a un momento que ya yo conocía que me caía mal y que no. Después de esos 2 años empece a comer mas empece a probar dulces nuevamente, y granos y todo lo que no comía , lo empece a comer poco a poco, sin excesos ni abusos.

Hoy en día tengo 24 años de edad y puedo comer de todo, pero con mucho cuidado con los alimentos, me gusta todo limpio hasta la cocina es mi obsesión. ahora cuando me provoca comer chatarras la verdad es que me las preparo yo misma y es lo mejor.

Te invito a cuidarte y a comer saludable si comes chatarras asegúrate que de verdad estén limpios los alimentos, e igual que las demás comidas.

¡Gracias por leer!

Hello friends Hivers, I hope you have a nice day today, I will tell you about my experience with the bacteria helicobacter pylori.

  • Helicobacter bacteria are;
    Helicobacter pylori is a bacteria that usually lodges in the stomach. It has a spiral shape and at one of its ends it has a kind of mobile hairs (flagella) that allow it to move and cling to the mucosa.

  • In addition, it produces ammonia that neutralizes stomach acid and, thus, can survive in an environment as hostile as gastric juices.



My story:

A few years ago when I was 16 one early morning I woke up desperately vomiting, and with a horrible stomach ache, my parents and I thought it was normal, that I had taken some food from the previous day, or I simply had a cold. stomach, they bought me a medicine for my stomach pain and it did not get better, that day I could not eat anything I felt very bad with the pain, the next day it got worse they took me to the doctor, they sent me a treatment to see if it would improve and not It was like this, every day it was worse, they took me to the doctor again, they sent me to do an echo and nothing came out, so they sent me to do an endoscopy, the truth is that or I didn't want to, I was afraid of that test, I felt that they would hurt me But, so I went to another gastroenterologist doctor, they asked me to do a Helicobacter pylori blood test because according to the symptoms they gave with that disease, I did the test and indeed the doctor sent me some antibiotics, or ff that made me worse, of the worst, I was very bad I did not eat everything I ate, absolutely everything, I vomited it, the only thing that I half retained in my body was a peach juice and a soda cookie, every day I was thinner I weighed 45kg and weighs 35kg.



Most of these bacteria are caused by water, or poorly washed, contaminated foods, such as lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, onions, among others.

  • And I'm not lying to you, I ate a lot of junk food, I loved eating on the street.

Anyway, I complied with the treatment but nothing, every day I felt worse, I went back to the doctor and he sent me a gastric protector because the pill was very strong and it hit my stomach, I followed the treatment again and nothing, my skin was pale from so much antibiotic And if I didn't eat, my mother was even sleeping with me because I was very bad, they hospitalized me twice with the pain and they applied a relaxant to my veins to calm the pain, the truth is that I don't even remember it well because of the pain so strong that I couldn't focus on anything. It calmed me down a bit and for the house again, my parents were desperate with me, they did not know what to do anymore, and when they saw me so skinny they became more desperate.

I lasted 2 months with the treatment which did not do anything for me, therefore my mother began to ask, find out, what I could do to cure that bacteria, many people told her about natural remedies which I applied them and did not do anything until a One day they talked to him about the creolin, I took it as an absurd idea, and also I was tired of taking everything and the pain was still there constant, as the days went by and my mother saw me like this, I bought the creolin and told me when you Decide my baby here and buy the creolina, ok? I came to a time when I felt that I could not take it anymore, I said mom please, nipple ask me the question I can not anymore, my mother immediately took a gastric protector capsule I took away what I had inside and introduced 2 drops of creolin I did it with faith I crossed myself. It lasted a few days the same and then I improved a lot, the pain was relieved a lot, but I could not eat foods that gave gases, they gave me stomach pains and they went away, they were not fixed or strong pains as they gave me before, after 15 days I I played another dose and I did not want to apply it, I was afraid and since I felt much better it did not seem like a good idea, I had the diet for two years I did not eat sweets I did not eat junk I did not eat soft drinks, I did not eat grains, I ate only light foods a moment that I already knew that I didn't like me and that I didn't. After those 2 years I began to eat more I began to try sweets again, and grains and everything that I did not eat, I began to eat it little by little, without excesses or abuse.

Nowadays I am 24 years old and I can eat everything, but with great care with food, I like everything clean until the kitchen is my obsession. Now when it causes me to eat junk, the truth is that I make it myself, and it's the best

I invite you to take care of yourself and eat healthy if you eat junk make sure that the food is really clean, and like the other foods.

Thank you for reading!

Bacteria helicobacter pylori.gif