Reflexion personal ¿Que nos ha dejado el Covid-19?|| Personal reflection What has covid-19 left us?

in GEMS4 years ago

¿Que nos dejo el covid-19 Reflexiòn personal (1).png



Hola amigos espero que estén bien hablemos del Covid-19

La llegada del covid 19 fue algo horrible que desmotivo y aterrorizo a todos, ver a todos los ciudadanos por primera vez con tapabocas, mascarillas, guantes desinfectándose a a cada segundo era algo que no podía creer, era muy difícil ver y tener ese tapabocas que asfixiaba, ir hacia el supermercado como la mujer maravilla y llegar a casa con esa esperanza de no haber sido contagiado solo por salir de tu hogar, esos nervios cuando te enterabas de que alguna persona conocida o familiar estaba infectado nos ponía los bellos de punta.

El covid 19 no solo nos dejo aterrorizados, si no que nos ayudo a querernos mas, a estar mas pendiste del prójimo, a ayudar a los demás junto con colaboraciones, donaciones, entre otras


Nos ayudo a saber lo lindo que es compartir con nuestros hijos, con nuestra familia. estar en casa y preparar esas meriendas exquisitas que solo podías hacer los días libres, el covid no solo aporto terror si no que nos ayudo a ser mas unidos unos con otros, nos ayudo a querernos mas, a cuidarnos, a tener una mejor alimentación, para fortalecer las defensa del organismo a acércanos mucho mas a dios.

Y lo mejor de todo nos ayudo a entrar mucho mas al mundo digital y conocer nuevas estrategias de pasatiempos, y entrar a comunidades como estas que nos ayuda a autorealizarnos mas como personas.
Gracias por su atención.
Todo es de mi propiedad.
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Hello friends I hope you are well let's talk about Covid-19

The arrival of covid 19 was something horrible that demotivated and terrified everyone, seeing all citizens for the first time with masks, masks, gloves disinfecting every second was something I could not believe, it was very difficult to see and have that mask that suffocated , going to the supermarket like Wonder Woman and coming home with that hope of not having been infected just by leaving your home, those nerves when you found out that some known person or family member was infected made us stand out.

Covid 19 not only left us terrified, but also helped us to love each other more, to be more dependent on others, to help others along with collaborations, donations, among others

It helped us to know how beautiful it is to share with our children, with our family. be at home and prepare those exquisite snacks that you could only do on days off, the covid not only brought terror but also helped us to be more united with each other, it helped us to love each other more, to take care of each other, to have a better diet, to strengthen the body's defense to bring us much closer to God.

And best of all, it helped us to enter the digital world much more and learn about new hobby strategies, and enter communities like these that help us to self-fulfill ourselves more as people.

Thanks for your attention.
Everything is my property.
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