Is not wise or smart to let google manage all your passwords. More in this era when you can have all your savings on CryptoCurrencies
This tutorial will show us how to use the KeePass. It describes only the basic usage. KeePass has many options that can be customized to suit the user. Give free play to the paranoid in you.
Create a new database.
Keepass does not require installation, it runs directly after unzipping. Our first action after running KeePass is to create a database.A database is a personal file that we can only access with the KeePass app.
To create the file, we have to go to "File---> New Database ---> Ok "
Choose the Master Password. Make it as long as possible, its the only one you have to remember. You can use numbers and letters.
A mainstream trick among Nerds/Gamers is to use numbers that are similar to letters.
For example:
1 is an i
2 a Z
3 an E
4 an A
5 an S
6 a G
7 a T
8 a B
and 0 an O (of course)
50 n0w y0u c4n pr073c7 y0ur 53n5171v3 d474 and you know how to ;)
After creating the parameters you have to choose where to save it "File ---> Save ---> choose where to save it.
To open the created file you have to go to "File---> Open --->" and search the computer in the place where you saved the version you created
Once our database is created with the passwords, it is time to start filling in the fields with the sites we want to keep safe. This is the Main Screen of your new database. You can organize your passwords by categories.
Clicking on the body of the program, with the right button, opens a drop-down menu where we can put "new entry". There is also a button on the toolbar, a golden key with a green plus sign.
As we can see in the image below, we have a place to put the name of the entry (for example, steemit, at that time) and then our username and password.
If you click on the 3 points, we can make visible the password that we write, and under it there is a password generator, where we can choose the size of the password to choose (preferably 256 bits) Also you can add symbols, spaces, caps etc
Then save the entry, after that, you have to save the database -IMPORTANT- if you don't save, it doesn't get updated, it doesn't have autosave like Word.
The comfort of KeePass is that you don't have to open the entry and read the password, but by right clicking on the entry, you have an option to copy the user and then another to copy the password -It remains in the clipboard for 15 seconds and then it is deleted AUTOMATIC.
Hope you enjoy this! I think that everyone must get used to this! You can also do a backup of all your saved passwords on google to save it locally. But that i was explaining in the next post