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RE: It's singing time: What are your favorite lead singers? [TOP 03]

in GEMS5 years ago

Certainly some very different picks here from the Champ, can you retain your crown this month for another consecutive month? We'll see!

I had no idea about Gwen Stefani being in a band, I always thought she was a solo artist but wow, great history you shared and good for her to be at the forefront in, like you say, a male dominated arena of rock bands.

Red Hot Chilli Peppers are certainly popular in my group of school friends, they wouldn't stop talking about them and a lot would probably agree with you here!

As for Mr Gallagher, great band, iconic vocals in Wonderwall and actually, both brothers still are around and ventured off in to their own arenas... they still hate each other though... with a passion! Guess some brothers never get out of that testosterone fueled rivalry hey!

Good luck this month Mr Agent!


... can you retain your crown this month for another consecutive month?

Well... I'm gonna keep doing my best to keep this up, buddy! ;P

Thanks for your nice comment.

Haha Good man! The league leader won't want to give up his spot too easily 😉