(ESP/ENG) Ser Realista o Ponernos Un Techo// Be Realistic or Put a Roof Over Our Head
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Ser realista o ponernos un techo es algo que ha venido a mi mente en vista de que a veces dejamos de hacer cosas porque nos limitamos y nos hacemos creer que no podemos
Esto sucede mas aun cuando como en mi caso, pues tenemos ciertas condiciones de salud que nos recuerdan que debemos tener un cuidado diferente al resto.
Es allí donde se me ha presentado esta interrogante si era que yo misma me limito de hacer algunas actividades que implican cierto esfuerzo físico como caminatas o que yo por mi salud realmente no debo hacerlo.
Hi Hivers, I am currently living new experiences that although they are providing me with many professional and personal learnings I must admit that they have made me reflect on several issues.
To be realistic or set a ceiling is something that has come to my mind in view of the fact that sometimes we stop doing things because we limit ourselves and we make ourselves believe that we can not do them.
This happens even more so when, as in my case, we have certain health conditions that remind us to take different care than others.
This is where I have been presented with this question if it was that I myself limit myself to do some activities that involve some physical effort such as walking or that I really should not do it for my health.
I have always tried to be active, to do my activities with the physical care that implies, but this time for work reasons I have had to do field activities visiting places where I have had to walk and even wear a little sun.
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El asunto es que llevar sol si me hace daño y eso me ha hecho reflexionar que existen circunstancias donde debemos ser realistas y limitarnos por nuestro cuidado.
He tratado de analizar mi decisión de limitar mis labores de campo por espacios mas protegidos del sol porque es mi salud que en algún momento puede verse afectada y no porque me este poniendo un techo.
Walking is good for me as any physical activity, I confess that since I have had to do it daily to get to work and in these tasks, because every day I have felt better and more capable.
The thing is that wearing the sun does hurt me and that has made me reflect that there are circumstances where we must be realistic and limit ourselves for our care.
I have tried to analyze my decision to limit my work in the field for spaces more protected from the sun because it is my health that at some point may be affected and not because I am putting a roof over my head.
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Al ser realista me estoy protegiendo, pero me estoy cohibiendo de vivir ciertas experiencias únicas.
My co-worker told me in the face of this approach, it's not putting a roof over my head because if it were I wouldn't even try to look for alternatives and at least I'm organizing myself to attend to spaces that provide appropriate shade for me.
By being realistic I am protecting myself, but I am holding myself back from certain unique experiences.
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Like me, I imagine that many of you, my fellow hivelovers, have had to be realistic and make the right decisions to avoid later complications, especially in terms of health.
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En realidad todo lo que sucede a diario nos provee de momentos únicos e irrepetibles, todo es cuestión de la óptica con que se mire.
Así que no es un techo es una realidad la que estoy viviendo, en la que decido cuidarme para tener muchos años más en salud y bienestar para disfrutar.
Being realistic does not imply setting ceilings or limits without justification, on the contrary, it means being aware of our vulnerability and being able to say how far we can go, even if it means missing out on pleasant and valuable experiences.
In reality everything that happens every day provides us with unique and unrepeatable moments, everything is a matter of the optics with which you look at it.
So it is not a ceiling, it is a reality that I am living, in which I decide to take care of myself to have many more years of health and wellness to enjoy.
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I hope you liked this post and that you can take a few moments to think about whether we put ceilings or if we have been able to see a reality that surrounds us and before which we must make decisions to ensure our welfare.
El contenido es de mi propiedad.
El traductor empleado ha sido Deepl.com
The content is my property.
The translator used was Deepl.com.
Hermosa reflexión amiga, gracias por compartirla.