I came into the world on July 3, 1996 in Venezuela, Miranda State specifically in a city called Los Teques, that's right, I'm 24 years old now and millions of things have happened since then. My parents separated when I was 3 years old and I grew up with my paternal grandparents, I was the nerdy girl of the school I suffered from bullying, I graduated from high school with honors, I entered the Central University of Venezuela where I studied 5 years, I still have not been able to finish my career in Biology. I lived in a student residence at the age of 17 and fell madly in love with a boy who was studying physics, that didn't turn out very well, in short, I made wonderful friends at the university and I had to leave in 2018 for Peru where I currently live.

Sometimes life's circumstances take you away from the things that really make you happy, I'm talking about the intangible little things, those you don't see until you need them. In 2017 I met a page called Steemit where I could realize one of my little life dreams, writing.
When I left Venezuela in 2018 I moved away from those little things like drawing, writing and being able to create content for a community and it wasn't until a couple of months ago that I realized that those details were missing to really be happy.

A couple of weeks ago I saw a friend posting some pictures of articles she was writing, I was curious to know what it was about, so I decided to ask her; you know ¨*when you don't know better to ask*¨. Anyway she told me about the HIVE platform and here I am introducing myself in this community to be part of something, something that is bigger than all of us and that, at the same time, unites and complements us.

If I can say anything about myself, it's that I love to write. I've been imagining so many texts in my head for months that right now I don't even know what to say. Coming to Peru has changed my way of seeing the world, let's say I've grown in many ways. I've had the opportunity to travel a lot thanks to my work and I've realized that those little things are what really count... The people we know, the friends we make, the places we visit and even the new foods we can try, being able to say what we feel and even more so doing the things that make us happy; for me writing is one of those dreams that I've only imagined in my head, writing a book or simply being able to make a blog that others can read and feel identified with.

If you knew my friends they could tell you that I am the serious girl who is always worried about all the details of life, about being a perfectionist and that everything goes according to plan, at the same time they could tell you that I am crazy and very loving. I really love to be detailed with the people I love but I can be overprotective. I tend to give good advice which I don't follow because sometimes my susceptibility wins out. I can't tell you exactly who I am, I'm just starting to describe it, but I would love for you to be by my side while I do it.

I hope you liked it. Thanks for taking a look at my post..