A letter to me: Reflections

in GEMS5 years ago


Chile, April 5, 2020.

Dear Ramón:

I want to tell you a few things and give them to you in writing since your time is scarce enough to be with myself, which you did quite frequently a short time ago.

There are things in life that are very important to acquire, as well as necessary.

One of them is wisdom: Wisdom with which you can get everything you want in life. This is exactly what Solomon asked God for in a dream. Such was the pleasure of God in that sense that the power of abundance was given to him.

The second thing I want to tell you is that you love yourself, without restriction or measure; This is very important because you can only love others in the same way that you love yourself. Absolutely no one can give something they don't have! It is a principle of life that is immutable and often forgotten, having those experiences that we do not like, but that is necessary to grow as a human being.

As a third point, I would like you to empathize with others: Understanding will prevent you from being cruel to others and to yourself. It's easy to make judgments about other people's lives, but if you put yourself in their shoes for a moment, it will not allow you to rate others as good or bad.

Do you know what happiness is? It's that state of mind that allows you to laugh out loud or smile at others even when you're having a hard time. Many seek it in many things that are ephemeral without knowing that true happiness resides within us. This is the fourth thing I want to tell you: Be happy!

We all have a purpose in life; We are not the result of chance, so the purpose that was entrusted to us before we were born lives on within you. The fifth thing I want to tell you is that you must find your purpose in life. When you find that legacy inherited by your Creator, you will anchor your soul to happiness. You must never forget that you will find your purpose, to the same extent that you help others to discover theirs, and while you do this, laugh fully, share what you have learned with others, kiss tenderly, hug as if it were the last time, We do not know if we will see that being who loves us so much, or if we will be given the opportunity to reawaken on this earth.

Lastly, I want you to know that although you are in another country today, you will surely have the opportunity to come back to yours. The best of all this, that you acquire new friends and many homes ready to receive you. We have to get something positive out of what seems negative to us. Never give up your dreams; Those that you had from the first day that you decided to leave your country. Work focused on your goals, do not look away, because whoever works hard for their goals, the result will always be the achievement of their goals.

Fight for everything you want every day and the blessing of enjoying success will reach you. Share what life gives you: We arrive naked and without a doubt, we will leave in the same way; We will only take to the beyond, the experiences acquired with all the satisfactions of to help others and living in the best possible way.

The personal signature was created by @zord189. If you want to get one, do not hesitate to contact him.

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Definitivamente me quedo con la última parte pues es lo que queda y lo que nos llevamos.