Hi, I'm here again to leave you a new post! Today I visited a small historic town in the Mafra region on the outskirts of Lisbon, while I was looking for information to visit this tourist site caught my attention because as you walk in it you are transported in the "past", that's right! literally this small city was built with the purpose of showing what Portuguese culture was like years ago! Basically we see all the professions that were predominant and that could not be absent in a city! make yourself comfortable and enjoy my story and photos!๐๐๐งญ
Hola, estoy por aqui nuevamente para dejarles un nuevo post! hoy visite un pequeรฑo pueblo historico en la region de Mafra en las afueras de Lisboa, mientras buscaba informacion para visitar me llamo la atencion este sitio turistico porque mientras caminas en el te transportas en el "pasado", asi es!! literalmente esta pequeรฑa ciudad fue construida con el proposito de mostrar como era la cultura Portuguesa aรฑos atras! basicamente vemos todas las profesiones que eran predominantes y que no podian faltar en una ciudad! ponte comodo y disfruta de mi historia y fotos!๐๐๐๐คฉ


As I mentioned before, the town of Jose Franco is located in the beautiful city of Mafra, if you can't get the name online, you can try searching for "Aldea Saloia" is another typical name that is given to the town! Let's say that it is located about 20 minutes from the center of Lisbon, so you can get here by public transport, or if you have your own vehicle you can come and park it in a private parking lot! Do you know what is best? that is "FREE" that's how it is my friend, it has no cost to enter here!๐ค๐๐บ๐๐งญ๐งญ๐งญ๐คฏ๐คฏ๐คฏ
Como lo mencione anteriormente la villa de Jose Franco esta ubicada en la hermosa ciudad de Mafra, si no consigues el nombre por internet puedes probar buscando "Aldea Saloia" es otro nombre tipico que se le da al pueblo! digamos que esta ubicado a unos 20minutos del centro de Lisboa, por lo que puedes llegar aqui por transporte publico, o si tienes vehiculo propio puedes venir y estacionarlo en un parquimetro privado! sabes que es lo mejor? que es "GRATIS" asi es mi amigo, no tiene costo ninguno entrar aqui!๐๐๐๐

This famous village is typical of the region of Portugal for being one of the first to be turned into a museum! Well, no people live here but it gives the impression that it is inhabited by people whose routines never stopped! we can see hundreds of real dolls that were created by the great Portuguese sculptor Jose Franco! It all began in 1920 with the birth of the great artist Jose, his parents were great workers and respected people, his mother had the job of a saleswoman (merchant) and his father was an expert shoemaker!๐ค๐ฑ๐คฉ๐จ๐จ๐ฉ๐จ๐ถ๐๐๐๐๐
Esta famosa aldea es tipica de la region de Portugal por ser una de las primeras en ser convertidas en museo! bueno no viven personas aqui pero da la impresion de que esta habitada por personas cuyas rutinas nunca se detuvieron! podemos ver cientos de muรฑecos reales que fueron creados por el gran escultor Portugues Jose Franco! todo comienza en 1920 con el nacimiento del gran artista Jose, sus padres eran grandes trabajadores y respetadas personas, su mama tenia el oficio de vendedora (comerciante) y su papa era un experto zapatero!๐คด๐ธ๐ต๏ธโโ๏ธ๐โโ๏ธ๐จโ๐ซ๐จโโ๏ธ๐ฉโ๐พ๐ฉโ๐ณ๐จโ๐ญ๐จโ๐ง

When I read the story of Jose I was very moved by how hard people worked in the early 19th century, his mother to bring food to the table went from house to house selling clay sculptures that were made by her! You could not miss a fair where the Franco family was not there selling his talent! Since school, Jose Franco already worked and practiced the trade of (oreiro) bone, he created sculptures and clay objects! he was taught by two masters of the time!๐ฅ๐ฅ๐จโ๐๐จโ๐๐จโ๐ญ๐จโ๐ง๐ฉโ๐ณ๐ฉโ๐พ๐ต๏ธโโ๏ธ๐ง๐ฆ๐ง๐ฆ๐ง๐ฆ
Cuando leia la historia de Jose me quede muy conmovido por como trabajaban muy duro las personas en principio del siglo 19, su mama para llevar la comida a la mesa iba de casa en casa vendiendo esculturas de barros que eran realizadas por ella! no podia faltar una feria donde la familia Franco no estuviese alli vendiendo su talento! desde la escuela ya Jose Franco trabajaba y practicaba el oficio de (oreiro) osea creaba esculturas y objetos de barro! fue enseรฑado por dos maestros de la epoca!๐ต๏ธโโ๏ธ๐จโ๐ซ๐ฅ


In the center of the town we can see a small theater where meetings and events were held among the citizens, it was a very united and beloved village, where violence and crime were not welcome! There is an area where wine was created, let's say it was something communal, everyone could create their own wine in this space! When he left school, Jose was already beginning to show his talent with clay, creating sculptures so fantastic that there are some on display in the Vatican! It was a Portuguese who raised the flag high!๐ฎ๐ฎ๐
En el centro del pueblo podemos ver un pequeรฑo teatro donde se realizaban reuniones y eventos entre los ciudadanos, era una aldea muy unida y querida, donde la violencia y el crimen no era bienvenido! hay una zona donde se creaba el vino, digamos que era algo comunitario cada quien podia crear en este espacio su propio vino! al dejar la escuela Jose ya comenzaba a mostrar su talento con el barro creando esculturas tan fantastica que hay unas en exhibicion en el vaticano! fue un Portugues que dejo la bandera en alto!๐ท๐ผ๐ป

When Franco turned 17 he was ready to take a huge step forward in his profession, he opened the family clay factory that belonged to his grandfather and that he had stopped working some years ago! giving free rein to the imagination of him!๐ง๐ง๐จโ๐ป
Cuando Franco cumplio sus 17 aรฑos estaba listo para dar un paso enorme en su profesion, habilito la fabrica familiar de barro que pertenecio a su abuelo y que habia dejado de trabajar hace algunos aรฑos! dando rienda suelta a su imaginacion! ๐๐ฅ

Inside the walls that have a style of the castle era there is a small space that was baptized "white village" is like a kind of a replica of the town here we can see how Jose Franco built all the houses that would have a function and that they would show a typical trade of the time! I think it could be called more a "map" than anything! we have access to the walls and when we climb on them we have a beautiful 360 degree view of the place!๐ฉ๐ ๐ก๐๐งญ๐๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ
Dentro de las murallas que tienen un estilo de la era de los castillos hay un pequeรฑo espacio al que fue bautizado "aldea blanca" es como especie de una replica del pueblo aqui podemos ver como Jose Franco construyo todas las casas que tendrian una funcion y que mostrarian un oficio tipico de la epoca! creo que podria llamarse mas un "mapa" que cualquier cosa! tenemos acceso a los muros y cuando trepamos en ellos tenemos una hermosa vista de 360grados del lugar!โฉ๐๐ข

It was to be expected to find a beautiful mill, and that is still preserved inside the town, the windmills played an important role for many decades in Europe since it was a way to take advantage of the wind to crush different types of seeds! Mafra being a city that was between mountains, it was common to use the windmill to generate work and food for the local population!๐พ๐พ๐พ๐ฟ๐พ๐พ๐พ๐พ๐ฟ๐ฟ๐๐๐จ๐จ๐จ๐จ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ
Era de esperarse encontrarnos con un hermoso molino, y que aun se conserva dentro de la villa, los molinos de viento jugaron un papel importante durante muchas decadas en europa ya que era una manera de aprovechar el viento para triturar diferentes tipos de semillas! al ser mafra una ciudad que estaba entre montaรฑas era comun el uso del molino de viento para generar trabajo y alimentos a la poblacion local!โ

In the 60's, Jose Franco realized his great dream immortalizing his work in this beautiful town that is an open museum and that inside there is a huge collection of ancient objects, the town shows us an ethnic touch and in it he captured all his childhood!๐๐๐
En la decada de los 60 Jose Franco realizo su gran sueรฑo inmortalizando su trabajo en esta hermosa villa que es un museo abierto y que dentro hay una enorme coleccion de objetos antiguos, la villa nos muestra un toque etnico y en ella plasmo toda su infancia!๐ฎ๐ฅ


Our first job was the lady who was a healer, she was a person who through natural medicine could heal people, but also the healer could apply a little "spiritual" methodology, that is, through saints and religious things some ills were healed! I believe that a healer was a typical profession of any town, so much so that they still exist!๐ง๐ง๐๐๐ฆ๐๐๐๐๐ฃ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ
Nuestro primer oficio era la seรฑora que era curandera, era una persona que mediante medicina natural podia curar a las personas, pero tambien la curandera podia aplicar un poco de metodologia "espiritual" osea mediante santos y cosas religiosas se sanaban algunos males! creo que un curandero era un oficio tipico de cualquier pueblo, tanto asi que aun existen!๐พ๐ง

The town of Jose Franco had a natural well here the water was stored when it rained, or when in some way it was brought from the mountain in a natural way and stored in the well for domestic use! A natural well was important for a town to survive, water is a resource that is important and even more so when living in a time where everyone harvested food from it!๐งญ๐๐บ
La villa de Jose Franco tenia un pozo natural aqui se almacenaba el agua cuando llovia, o cuando de alguna forma era traida de la montaรฑa de forma natural y almacenada en el pozo para su uso domestico! un pozo natural era importante para que un pueblo pudiera subsistir, el agua es un recurso que es importante y mas cuando se vivia en una epoca donde cada uno cosechaba sus comidas!๐ง๐งบ๐ง๐ฟ๐๐ง๐๐

In this section of the town we see how a small castle but which is actually a chapel pays homage to two of the most venerated Catholic SAINTS in Portugal, the town is not only touristy there are people from Mafra who come here to make promises, so which is also a religious space full of beliefs and good energies!๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
En esta seccion de la villa vemos como un pequeรฑo castillo pero que en realidad es una capilla rinde homenaje a dos de los SANTOS catolicos mas venerados en Portugal, la villa no es solo turistica hay personas de mafra que vienen aqui para hacer promesas, por lo que tambien es un espacio religioso lleno de creencias y buenas energias!๐ณโโ๏ธ๐คด

I think it is the only house that really works, and is open to the public! It is a real bakery that is famous in the area because it sells the best chorizo breads, they are cheap and cost less than one euro! we just had lunch so I didn't feel like trying them! I believe that it is the business that is hundreds of years old and that generates a lot of employment in the rural economy!๐ญ๐๐ญ๐ฅฏ๐ฅจ๐ฅ๐๐๐
Creo que es la unica casa que funciona de verdad, y esta abierta al publico! se trata de una panaderia verdadera que es famosa en la zona porque vende los mejores panes de chorizo, son baratos cuestan menos de un euro! nosotros recien acabamos de almorzar asi que no me apetecia probarlos! creo que es el negocio que tiene cientos de aรฑos y que genera mucho empleo en la economia rural!๐ฎ๐ฎ
THE BAR๐๐จโ๐ป/EL BAR๐งญ๐

The place best known by the people and that inside has a beautiful and old decoration, Jose Franco wanted to show how people came to the bar to sing, dance, and share unforgettable moments with family! Inside there is a very dear person at the time of Jose was the man who worked playing the GAITA! his music is playing all over the little village!๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ค๐ฐ๐น๐น๐ฒ
El sitio mas conocido por el pueblo y que dentro tiene una hermosa y antigua decoracion, Jose Franco quizo mostrar como las personas venian al bar a cantar, bailar, y compartir entre familia momentos inolvidables! dentro hay un persona muy querido en la epoca de Jose era el seรฑor que trabajaba tocando la GAITA! su musica suena por toda la pequeรฑa villa!๐ฏ๐ถ๐ต๐ผ

what did a village mean? a village was synonymous with joy, a good wine and bread served at the table all homemade, the village transmits that heat that reigned in the houses of the locals! in the center of the village is a model that has its own movement and we can see many "pieces of people" working to the beat of typical Portuguese music! a beautiful place to take some photos!๐๐ข
que significaba una aldea? una aldea era sinonimo de alegria, de un buen vino y pan servido en la mesa todo casero, la aldea nos trasmite ese calor que reinaba en las casas de los lugareรฑos! en el centro de la villa esta una maqueta que tiene movimiento propio y podemos ver muchas "piezas de personas" trabajando al compas de la musica tipica Portuguesa! un hermoso lugar para tomar unas fotos!๐๐ซ๐ก๐


This job for me was one of the most difficult at the time because it required a lot of technique, patience and physical strength. What this man does in his store is create pieces, objects or anything from metal plates is like a "blacksmith"๐๐๐จ๐จ๐ด๐ด๐ด๐ด๐ด
Este oficio para mi era de los mas dificiles en la epoca porque requeria mucha tecnica, paciencia y fuerza fisica, este seรฑor lo que hace en su tienda es crear piezas, objetos o cualquier cosa a partir de placas metalicas es como un "herrero"๐๐

One of the things that I liked about the village that Franco made was that despite being a village-museum it has some parks for children, so if you have small children you can bring them and they will enjoy a great experience because there are many tunnels secrets that are there so that they can move freely in the village!๐ค๐ฎ๐ง๐ฆ๐ง๐ถ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ ๐ ๐๐
Una de las cosas que me gustaron de la aldea que realizo Franco fue que apesar de ser una villa-museo tiene algunos parques destinados a los niรฑos, por lo que si tienes niรฑos pequeรฑos puedes traerlos y ellos disfrutaran de una gran experiencia porque hay muchos tuneles secretos que estan alli para que ellos puedan movimentarse libremente en la villa!๐๐๐ก๐ ๐ช๐ข

School was undoubtedly where Jose lived his best times, I imagine this space full of children in school uniforms doing many tasks, this is where after graduating from elementary school Mr. Franco decided to make the mud business his profession!๐ฅ๐ฅ
La escuela sin duda fue donde Jose vivio sus mejores epocas, me imagino este espacio lleno de niรฑos con uniformes escolares realizando muchas tareas, aqui es donde luego de graduarse de primaria el seรฑor Franco decidio hacer el negocio del barro su profesion!๐ซ๐ซ

In this village we live knowing that if we forget our roots then we are nothing!
En esta aldea vivimos sabiendo que si olviamos nuestras raizes entonces no somos nada!

There were other trades that were more specific and that not all people could work, such as the apothecary, the watchmaker! it required a lot of knowledge and practice! this type of business was almost always inherited from generation to generation! Fishing was something that could be learned and almost every young man from the village of Mafra dedicated himself full time!๐ฅ๐ฅ
Existian otros oficios que eran mas especificos y que no todas las personas podian trabajarlos, tal el caso del boticario, el relojero! requeria mucho conocimiento y practica! este tipo de negocios era casi siempre heredados de generacion a generacion! la pesca era algo que podia aprenderse y casi todo joven de la aldea de Mafra dedicabase a tiempo completo!๐ง ๐๐ฆพ๐ฆฟ๐ฆท

You could say that the village of Jose Franco is a small world that was shaped by his own hands, sadly the great artist passed away in 2009 leaving a great legacy that we can all visit and have a magical experience! the town is annually one of the most visited in Lisbon receiving thousands of people!๐ถ๐ถ๐ฃ๐ฃ๐ฃ๐ฃ
Se podria decir que la aldea de Jose Franco es un pequeรฑo mundo que fue moldeado por sus propias manos, tristemente el gran artista fallecio en 2009 dejando un gran legado al que todos podemos visitar y vivir una magica experiencia! la villa anualmente es una de las mas visitadas de Lisboa recibiendo miles de personas!๐ฅ๐ฅ

the blacksmith, barber, shoemaker we can see everything here inside Jose Franco's villa it is interesting how we have at our disposal the utensils and tools that were used in those days! Mr. Jose thought about all the details, I think I dare to say that it is one of the most beautiful experiences I felt when visiting a tourist site in Portugal!๐๐ฎ๐คฉ๐ฅฐ๐ฅฐ๐ฅฐ
el herrero, barbero, zapatero todo podemos verlo aqui dentro de villa de Jose Franco es interesante como tenemos a nuestra disposicion los utencilios y herramientas que eran usado en esos dias! el seรฑor Jose penso en todos los detalles, creo que me atrevo a decir que es una de las experiencias mas bonitas que senti al visitar un sitio turistico en Portugal!๐

Well my friends with these words I say goodbye, I hope you liked my post and that you take a lesson from it! for me Mr. Jose Franco merio a post! His work and dedication is something that no one can forget because he was a Portuguese character who inspired the world with his art! AND TODAY I IMMORTALIZE IT IN HIVE !!!๐๐ค๐จ๐ด
Bueno mis amigos con estas palabras me despido, espero hayas gustado de mi post y que lleves un aprendizaje de el! para mi el seรฑor Jose Franco merio un post! su trabajo y dedicacion es algo que nadie puede olvidar porque fue un personaje Portugues que inspiro al mundo con su arte! Y HOY LO INMORTALIZO EN HIVE!!!๐จโ๐ซ๐จโ๐

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Saludos @oscurity , veo que disfrutaste tu recorrido, gracias por compartirlo, acompaรฑado de tu redacciรณn en cualidad de guรญa turรญstico. Bendiciones.
great trip. you have visited many interesting places! you had a good time =)
Thank you lady
wow. Interesante lugar para visitar. Mil gracias por descubrรญrnoslo.