Hello, today we came to visit the beach called (Da Foz) it is located in the Sesimbra area, basically here we would be taking a dip in the Atlantic Ocean itself, it is a beach with very strong waves now in winter the waves can easily reach 3 meters high, we did not come with the intention of bathing but to create a video with my drone with the family! I hope you enjoy the video😍😎
Hola hoy vinimos a visitar la playa llamada (Da Foz) esta ubicada en la zona de Sesimbra, basicamente aqui nos estariamos dando un chapuzon en el propio oceano atlantico, es una playa con oleadas muy fuertes ahora en invierno las olas pueden alcanzar facilmente los 3 metros de altura, no vinimos con la intencion de bañarnos pero si de crear un video con mi drone entre familia! espero disfrutes el video😳🥶🌅🌊

My sister-in-law and my sister forced me to bring them to the beach to record them in the Drone xD, we also shared a bit sitting looking at the huge waves of the ocean hitting the rocks with force, little by little I am getting practice with my drone and it is my first experience flying it over the sea, and I felt quite confident as I landed and took off in my hand with a lot of confidence! We left very happy with the experience. I didn't want to get into the water but they did get their feet wet, they told me the water wasn't very cold xD but I don't think so!😅🤣
Mi cuñada y mi hermana me obligaron a traerlas a la playa para grabarlas en el Drone xD, tambien compartimos un poco sentados mirando las enormes olas del oceano golpeando con fuerza las rocas, poco a poco voy agarrando practica con mi drone y es mi primera experiencia volandolo sobre el mar, y me senti bastante confiado ya lo aterrizo y despego en la mano con mucha confianza! salimos muy contentos con la experiencia yo no me quise meter en el agua pero ellas si se mojaron los pies, me dijeron que el agua no estaba muy fria xD pero no lo creo!🤪😊😊

Alexandra is on vacation and until now she hadn't gone out for a walk xD I think covid won't let us do anything! xD So I invited her to my house along with Julieth so she could get to know Sesimbra, she didn't know the beaches, Julieth knew the city but not the coast, they both loved the experience, we would definitely repeat it for the summer, what I loved is that I have free flight with the drone since the area does not belong to any nature reserve!😏😏
Alexandra esta de vacaciones y hasta ahora no habia salido a pasear xD creo que el covid no nos deja hacer nada! xD asi que la invite a mi casa junto con julieth para que conociera Sesimbra, ella no conocia las playas julieth conocia la ciudad pero no la costa, ambas adoraron la experiencia, sin duda repetiriamos para verano lo que me encanto es que tengo vuelo libre con el drone ya que no pertenece la zona a ninguna reserva natural!🥰🥰


I am very happy because I woke up today with a reputation of 74, despite so many inconveniences and adaptations to HIVE creating original and quality content, I reached a new goal, and I hope to close this year with 76! Let's hope that the value of cryptocurrencies continues to increase and that our currency breaks a new record this year! while to continue uploading post and learning new things!🎈🎁✨
Estoy muy contento porque amaneci hoy con reputacion 74, apesar de tantos inconvenientes y adaptaciones a HIVE creando contenido original y de calidad llegue a una nueva meta, y espero cerrar este año con 76! esperemos que el valor de las criptomonedas siga aumentando y que nuestra moneda rompa un nuevo record este año! mientras a seguir subiendo post y aprendiendo cosas nuevas!🚙🚩🧭

Portugal and its beautiful landscapes, wherever we go we find beautiful and interesting things, and what do you think of the weather? in the middle of winter today we were all sweaty and suffocated xD💥🌤🌝
Portugal y sus hermosos paisajes, por donde quiera que vayamos nos encontramos cosas hermosas e interesantes, y que te parece el clima? en pleno invierno todos hoy estabamos sudados y sofocados xD🌕🔥🌊

with this photo I say goodbye my sister said something that seemed stupid but interesting today hahaha when I took the shot it was obvious that if I fell it was a 300 meter drop and my sister-in-law said: "you're crazy get out of there" xD and my sister said He answered why are you born if you are afraid to die xD🤣😁😂
con esta foto me despido mi hermana dijo algo que me parecio medio estupido pero interesante hoy hahaha cuando hice la toma era obvio que si me caia era una caida de 300metros y mi cuñada dijo: "estas loco sal de alli" xD y mi hermana le respondio para que naces si tienes miedo a morir xD🙋♂️💁♂️🧗♂️🏄♂️🚣♀️🚵♂️🤳

DNA is an organization to foster and DENSIFY NATURE-APPRECIATION which aims to establish REPORTS OF BIODIVERSITY DATA that is contributed by all of us Hiveans and subsequently cataloged.
Therefore DNA searches for HIGH-QUALITY posts that aim to DESCRIBE and determine the BIODIVERSITY AROUND YOU with added EXPLANATIONS and INFORMATION. For these informative posts they offer a CURATION SERVICE using the @dna.org account. It is also a CURATION TRAIL. Just add the #dna TAG if you think that any of your posts is what they are looking for.
▶️ 3Speak
Right on thank you about educating me about your tags and congratulations on reputation 74!
Me and my puppy dog hope you have an amazing day and this next year blesses you with more phenomenal content.
Thank you very much I really appreciate all of your hard work.
What an amazing amount of pictures and I'm really interested in checking out what kind of drone you have because I really need to get into flying mine quite a bit more.
I absolutely love my drone and I really need to get the drone pilot license.
Well I can't wait to see more high quality content from you!
También quiero un chapuzón. 🌊
Felicidades por tu 74 en reputación. Número bastante significativo en hive.
Gracias cariño, no te recomiendo tomar el chapuzon
Jajaja. Bueno será entonces solo en la orilla. Hace bastante tiempo que no voy a la playa. Todas las fotografías están preciosas. No me corrió el vídeo para ver el dron. Será en la madrugada que lo vea.
No puedo evitar recordar a mi profesora de bachillerato, me invitó a Lisboa muchas veces. Ella me quería mucho. Decía que su regalo para mí por ser buen estudiante sería ese paseo por Portugal. ¡Nunca se dió! Es un lindo recuerdo que tengo de ella.
Ahora visito ese país a través de tus post 🤗
Que lindo, Portugal es muy pequeño lo recorres de punta a punta en un día, obviamente hay muchas cosas que ver y sus playas son deliciosas, que lindo que te trajo recuerdos mi post
Congratulations on the achievement reaching that reputation it's definitely not an easy journey. Keep up the good work moving.
Eyyy thank bro
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Hey @oscurity, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.¡Te quedó espectacular el video! Y ese escenario es bellísimo
Vamooosss yo invito xD
¡Genial! Jejeje
That was great. Loved the part around 54-60 that showed the wave coming in, then the women running up the beach. Very cool. Congrats on the rep boost. I've been on the 68-69 trip it seems like forever trying to hit that 70 mark.