This should work!
Most of the time, we like to have our dog running around on the property, but some times we need to have him secure. With a large dog, this can difficult, and ours has snapped a few cables already. During a recent trip to Harbor Freight, I decided to try a 2420 lb cable, to avoid using a heavier chain. Hopefully, this'll work out well for when we need him secure.
Hello dear friend @ papa-pepper Good morning
It is as you say, it is good that our pets run through the meadow, but in some circumstances such as ours that we sow, unfortunately we must have them subject, you know what happens if you do not do it.
This material seems the most suitable for the situation and that the animal does not have heavy chains on its body. Excellent choice.
I wish you a great day
Good choice, but don't be surprised if at some point he pulls the dog house with him. He is a big powerful dog. Over the years I have gathered a lot of experience with large dogs; Shepards, Great Danes, Newfoundlands, Mastiffs, Rottweilers, Sulikis, Chow crosses, and Dobermans. All have surprised me in more ways than one. I have had dogs that chewed through heavy gauge chain-link fences, ate through 2x4's, jumped over 6 foot high fences like they were deer, and yes, pulled a dog house off a concrete base. I haven't had any more escapees since I built the 30 foot walls. I guess they haven't learned to tunnel under...
lucky my dogs are small so I don't have this issue but we do sometimes have to keep them indoors if we have people around. my pug chews everything in sight so she would have no worries with a tether.
lovely looking dog by the way.
I had a dog that could brake the heavy duty dog chains. So I went to Fleet Farm and brought a horse chain setup. That did the trick. Hope it works out for you.