in GEMS3 years ago

It was my fault!

It was a controlled burn. A lot of dry plant material was building up on the perimeter of our homestead. I decided to burn it up to start the year. It removes the dry stuff, burns up weed seeds, and adds carbon back to the soil. Plus, the black color will heat up quicker this spring, raising the soil temperature and causing the remaining plants to spring up more quickly. We had to be careful, but the fire did look pretty cool. Enjoy the photos!


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Oh man, as little kid I can remember working as a whole family to burn off our fields and yards each year. We had about 160 acres ourselves, and my aunt & uncle had around 300. I was maybe just 6 or 7 years old, but I could swing a rake and dig with a shovel so out I went with everyone else. Had a water sprayer/backpack and a small squirt bottle of fuel and a lighter in my pocket. They would send me and my little bro out to the near-40 and we'd light r up! No fear. Our job was to chase/lead our fire line to the middle of the acreage to burn off the dry fuel and starve off the oncoming fire line my dad & uncle were working with. Learned a LOT about how fire works, and how to fight/tender them properly.

...and how to "fight" them when things wanted to go sideways....

Wow looks dangerous. but I trust your judgement.