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RE: testing out my new 200-600mm Lens

in GEMS5 years ago

That's a classic lens for a classic photographer and you already have it under your knee JJ, judging by these shots.

Some advice about the squirrels, set up a seperate area and every day put down a handful of peanuts in the shell for them. They will then not trouble the bird feeders. But beware, squirrels will spread the news and soon move in with their families. So then, like us you will have to buy a 5kg pack of peanutsc every week hahaha.

Great shots here mate!



That is good advice but not sure we want more squirrels visiting us LOL

I have decided to hold off on feeding the birds for now but come late fall we will

Well, I hope that you don't get a surprise come fall and winter, as our squirrels are very busy here during those seasons lol.

I think or expect them to be busy here so we will try your idea

Hahaha, you will see them burying peanuts all over the place in fall to keep astores for winter and they can become great little friends if one handles them well. We feed them at the front garden and our feeders are in the back garden.
Hope one will become so used to you guys that she will become like our "Squirry" here 😃

All I can say is time will tell I am not sure I am an animal whisperer like you guys

Hahaha, "animal whisperers" you say?
Learn to love mother nature and her residents and they will love you right back my friend.
You will soon get used to their habits in your new life, as you now have ample time in your to study them.
I can tell you that once your really start to take an interest, many pleasant surprises will be waiting for you.

We have been visiting a rocky patch on the beach for a while now and the one Egret has gotten used to me.
He no longer flies away when I come near and just the other day, he caught a few fishes in the surf right in front of me. Animals can sense when someone presents a danger to them.


yes I know your right, for now i am hoping the humming birds get used to me so I can get a little closer in for shots of them

that's so cool with the Egret