I hope you guys are staying safe during the lockdown! Unless you're in a state of complete lockdown, if you are allowed to have limited mobility and if you have to sell something on sites like Craigslist/Letgo/Offerup, I would suggest you do what I did. Meet at a residential location where there are bushes or something to that effect where you can hide the item you want to sell. Place the item behind the bushes. Get money transferred by the seller via Cash App/Venmo/BTC. Go back in your car. Let the person come to the bushes and grab his item. You both leave without being anywhere close to 6ft apart :)
Normally I would wait to sell these items but this is a time when GPUs/guitars etc are in high demand so I wanted to find relatively safe ways to sell stuff and this really worked out well for me. Hope you find it useful :)
As a buyer I wouldn't go for this option at all.
I'd rather meet you somewhere public, see the item at a bit of a distance, let you put it on a table or somewhere where I can observe you place the item, and then pay via whatever payment method we'd agreed on.
Well this item was done in public where there were cars running in the street not a remote or shady location I should add. I just meant that keep the item in the bushes so some passer by can't easily pick it up and run away but at the same time sit in your car and watch the item, let the buyer handle it in peace and safety!