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RE: Finally, Good to be Back Home but Life Took an Unexpected Turn...

in GEMS5 years ago

Hope you've been able to solidify yourself somewhat in the weeks since you've been home.

He literally died in my arms as I was helping him back into bed for his nightly sleep. It was pretty fast.

While no words can ease the impact such a loss brings, I wanted to share how blessed this is compared to many. So many pass away estranged from those they love, or alone in homes or hospitals separated from those with bonds of love. Passing on as their last glimpse here is cold and uncaring.

While I'm sure there are several aspects for you that weigh heavily with grief, what a blessing for your dad to not only be surrounded by those who cherish and respect him, thankful for the mark he made on their lives. But to more so be held by one of his sons while going. Please forgive if my words are to familiar with you, but I can't help but read your words with awe that your dad was not only not alone, he was actually held in those final moments. Despite the heavy loss, I can't think of a better honor for a man who has walked a code of honor as you tell of your dad than to be able to witness that garden he cultivated (his family/you) to his last moment.

Thank you for sharing. I've been watching my feed for your return, hoping all is well (as well as possible).


Thank you @practicalthought. Your words really resonant with me and you are so totally right. We were all there with him in those final moments. And earlier during the day he even got to have a glass of wine and some awesome steak my mom fixed.

Could not really ask for more than that. Again, thank you for your kind words :)