Happy independence day to all pakistani friends - 14 August is the day of independence for all Pakistanis.

in GEMS5 years ago

Aslam-u-Alikum my all cute and sweet friends!


i hope all friends will be pretty well and happy. today is the independence day for us. we are so happy. 14 August is the national holiday that is celebrated all over the Pakistan. A beautiful announcement was made on 27th Ramadan, 14th August 1947, which caused a wave of happiness among all the Muslims. Muslims listened the announcement with the tears of happiness and hearts beating with joy.

When they hear the announcement of separate country, the all the Muslims was prostrated before Allah Almighty that Allah Almighty gave them a separate country apart from the Hindus. Where they can live as they please. the largest migration in history, in which many Muslims made sacrifices. In this migration, 6.5 million Muslims decided to migrate from India to Pakistan.

In this migration, Hindus and Sikhs have set such records of Animalism that whenever a person brings it to mind, So the human soul trembles. An example of this can hardly be found anywhere in history after Changhis Khan.

At the last, we won a homeland country where we can live according to the teaching of Islam. Quaid e Azam is the the Founder of my home land country Pakistan.

14 August is the most important day for us. we celebrate this the with full of joy and happiness. the whole nation stand still at the time of recitation of national anthem. This beautiful day is celebrated with military parade and national song that is singing by children and adults.

Special functions are held in schools and colleges but due to lockdown situation school and college are close that why all children are celebrating this day at home. My cute nephew are also so excited and happy on this independence day. they wore the August 14 suit and sang Pakistani anthems waving flags.

Now i will share some picture of ny cute nephews who are ready for celebrating independent day.





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Strange how did u get so much hives