What THE 5 AM CLUB by Robin Sharma taught me

in GEMS4 years ago

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This Book is the first book I read In November. One of my new month goals was to start a habit of waking up by 5 am. Looking at the title, my first impression was that I was about to read a non-fiction book that will give me a guideline on how to wake up early. But guess what?
I was wrong to some extent.

Not only is the book fictional, but it also didn't just talk about waking up by 5 Am but also other things required for a successful life. In order words, it was a peek into the lifestyle of successful people using fictional characters.

The main characters are

  1. The spellbinder:- A old public speaker whose goal is to help as many as he could with ways to improve their lifestyle through his stage presentations and teaching.
  2. The Businessman:- Having being trainee and mentored by the spellbinder himself, The businessman is a successful man who picks special interest in the Entrepreneur and the artist. Thus, helping them to improve the quality of their mornings and general lifestyle
  3. The Entrepreneur:- A young lady whose business empire was at the brink of falling apart when she met the businessman and the artist at shows organized by the spellbinder. Although reluctant at first to accept the teaching of the spellbinder, she slowly let go of her fears and past as she embraced the value of waking up by 5 am and improving her lifestyle.
  4. The artist:- A young man who was finding it hard to make an impact with his art went to the show organized by The Spell Binder with an open mind and willingness to learn how to improve his lifestyle. His willingness paid off when he met the entrepreneur and the Businessman.

In the story, The businessman unveils the tactics and lifestyle of successful people and how the entrepreneur and artist should apply the same to improve their Lifestyle.

The story ends by showing the results achieved by these two young people five years after meeting the businessman and how they were able to transform their lives.

In short:- Sleep early. It helps in waking early. Avoid digital distractions early in the morning and an hour before sleeping.

Although I think I like The monk who sold his Ferrari better, these books still offer as much value that is required for quality living.

Ratings:- 4 out of 5

*Do not let the pain of an imperfect past hinder the glory of your fabulous future.
*When the power of love overcome the love of power, the world will know peace.
*The only way to deal with an Unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.
*Many people take the limits of their vision to be the limits of the world. A few do not, join them.
*Rise and shine so you will accept the misery of mediocrity.

I would recommend this book for

  1. Anyone ready to improve the quality of their lives
  2. Anyone with an open mind to learn about self-development
  3. Anyone ready to make the best of their morning

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