There's something so magical about flying. The idea of being so high up amongst and above the clouds, almost as if invinsible, travelling through various times of the day as if almost time travelling! Those big engines turning, gearing up to soar you to the skies, what a feeling, and how wonderful that it is available to us, well perhaps not right now, but let's try and stay positive lol
It's surreal actually, us tiny little ants of human beings sat inside what seems to be a massive piece of aluminium at first sight, but then once up in the air it's like everything is non existent. Poof! You're gone! A real eye opener if perspective is what you need! I guess this is true of many things.
"Your perspective will either become your prison or your passport"
- Steven Furtick
I remember having this conversation a few months back after being at the top of Table Mountain in South Africa, and also after a bungee jump (216 metres high) - wow, what a day that was! Anyway.. I guess what I'm trying to say is that sometimes the things we see as scary or big, are actually the best things that could happen, and leave you feeling even better than you thought possible. Stepping out of ones own comfort zone can be liberating, no matter how big or small.

Along with perspective comes perception. I am a firm believer of doing what makes your heart and soul happy. Yes that probably sounds corny, but I don't care! If we can't do that, then what is the purpose of life? It's certainly not people pleasing! None of us know what tomorrow brings, and I'm sure all of us have experienced (directly or indirectly) the curveballs that life throw, or made mistakes - I know I have. And perhaps some of them have made you realise that we shouldn't take things/people for granted, that we are NOT immortal, and have the right to happiness just as much as the next person.

Perception can be ugly, especially if there's a whole lot of misconception to fuel said perception. Woah, that's a mouthful haha! But for some, even when speaking the truth, it is simply not good enough or not what they want to hear. This can be tiresome in all senses of the word, but ultimately, we have to carry on and hope that the bigger picture can be seen, the picture being that sometimes the choices people make may not be the ones we would make for ourselves, but they are not our choices to make, and certainly does not mean that they are the wrong ones. We all have our own minds and opinions, but that is no basis to become dictators and 'force feed' so to speak. Be mindful of others, be free to live your truth and cherish the time (and people) that we are blessed with.
This life is not a rehersal.

Until next time!
Say what you mean & mean what you say!

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