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Hello friends, today I come to tell you about my kitten Toño. If I'm honest, I'm pretty sure we didn't adopt him, he was the one who adopted us, hahaha. As we told you in a previous post, 3 months ago three baby kittens arrived at our house (approximately 1 month old), which we decided to rescue from the approaching rain, and in the next few days we gave two of them up for adoption. Toñito, our little black boy, was the first one they asked us to adopt, however they left him standing twice :(.
Mientras aún le buscábamos hogar nos dimos cuenta de que al gatito le fallaba una pata, pero pensamos que al saltar de algún mueble se había lastimado, por lo que preguntamos y nos recomendaron darle pequeños masajes. Al pasar unos días empezó a fallar otra patita y en lugar de caminar empezó a arrastrarse, por lo que decidimos llevarlo al veterinario rápidamente.
While we were still looking for a home for him, we realized that the kitten was missing a leg, but we thought that when he jumped from some piece of furniture he had hurt himself, so we asked and they recommended giving him a little massage. After a few days another leg began to fail and instead of walking it began to crawl, so we decided to take it to the vet quickly.
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The vet did his respective review and informed us that it was a strange parasite that his mother had transmitted to him, and prescribed a specific dewormer for that parasite that was administered in two doses 21 days apart. He also informed us that he would start losing weight.
Luego de la primera dosis el gatito poco a poco empezó a caminar nuevamente y jugar con sus peluches y pelotitas, aunque con dificultad; pero fue luego de la segunda dosis que temimos lo peor. Al pasar unos días después de esta segunda dosis Toñito dejó de ir al baño... pasó un día, dos día, tres días y al quinto día decidimos regresar al veterinario, quien nos recetó un laxante y supositorios para el gato, pero también nos advirtió que se podía tratar de algo más complicado y que muy pocas veces tiene solución.
After the first dose, little by little the kitten began to walk again and play with its stuffed animals and balls, although with difficulty; but it was after the second dose that we feared the worst. A few days after this second dose, Toñito stopped going to the bathroom... a day passed, two days, three days and on the fifth day we decided to return to the vet, who prescribed a laxative and suppositories for the cat, but also warned that it could be something more complicated and that very rarely has a solution.
Imagen de nuestra propiedad.
No ha sido sencillo, porque todo esto sucedió a la vez que nos contagiamos con covid, asumimos muchos gastos y la preocupación aumentaba al no ver mejoría.
It was after 12 days that Toño managed to relieve himself, almost on Christmas day, and we were thankful that our Christmas miracle had been fulfilled.
It has not been easy, because all this happened at the same time that we contracted covid, we assumed many expenses and the concern increased when we did not see improvement.
Imagen de nuestra propiedad.
Toñito aún no está al 100, pero cada día es un reto que juntos logramos superar, y que sobretodo lo llenamos de muchos mimos y amor.
Las mascotas son un regalo del cielo, una compañía hermosa y que nos llena de una felicidad indescriptible. Cuiden a sus mascotas y si aún no tienen una, adopta algún perrito o gatito, ellos sabrán agradecerte con el amor más puro y sincero.
Toñito is not yet 100, but every day is a challenge that together we manage to overcome, and above all we fill him with lots of pampering and love.
Pets are a gift from heaven, a beautiful company that fills us with indescribable happiness. Take care of your pets and if you don't have one yet, adopt a puppy or kitten, they will know how to thank you with the purest and most sincere love.
Imagen de nuestra propiedad.
Thanks for reading me.
With love, Lu.
Que lindo es toñito de verdad espero se recupere pronto
Muchas gracias! De verdad esperamos pueda recuperarse muy prontito❤️