Let us by all means avoid indifference to our loved ones!! [Eng/Esp]

in GEMS3 years ago



¡Evitemos por todos los medios la indiferencia con nuestros seres queridos! / Let us by all means avoid indifference to our loved ones!!

Comenzaré la entrega de hoy aclarándoles algo que ustedes no me han preguntado, pero creo oportuno decírselos para que no se llegue a formar un impresión errónea sobre los temas que hasta la fecha he tocado con relación al recorrer el Sendero del Retorno. No vayan a pensar que mi recorrido en este Sendero ha sido una penuria; lo que sucede que en mi experiencia personal he tomado consciencia de muchos errores que como ya se los he comentado se convirtieron en cargas pesadas que dificultan la marcha hacia niveles superiores de consciencia.

I will begin today's delivery by clarifying something that you have not asked me; however I think it is appropriate to tell you so that you do not form an erroneous impression about the issues that I have touched up to date in relation to traveling the Path of Return. Do not think that my journey on this Path has been a hardship; What happens is that in my personal experience I have become aware of many errors that, as I have already mentioned, have become heavy burdens that make it difficult to move towards higher levels of consciousness.



En lo personal, yo me describo como una persona que se le hace fácil querer a otros, pero que se desapega fácilmente de familiares y amigos; exceptuando mis hijos. Independientemente si ha habido una separación física de muchos kilómetros o no, esa tendencia que no se la recomiendo a nadie, me hizo alejarme de mis parejas aún conviviendo con ellas; es decir sin que se hubiera producido aún una separación formal. Hoy en día, echando un vistazo a mi pasado, considero que ese tipo de conducta es una actitud llena de mucha soberbia y lo peor de todo fue una conducta muy dañina para mis parejas y para mi.

Personally, I describe myself as a person for whom it is easy to be a friend or love other people, but who easily detaches himself from family and friends, except for my children. Regardless of whether there has been a physical separation of many kilometers or not, this trend that I have but I don’t recommend to anyone to have, was the cause that move me away from my couples while we were still living under the same roof; in other words, without any formal separation. Today, looking back at my past, I consider that type of behavior is a very proud attitude and the worst is that was a very harmful behavior for my couple and for me.



El punto es que debemos evitar cualquier tipo de conducta que nos aleje del esa persona que amamos. Este es un tema un poco escabroso porqué ello no significa que no amamos a esas personas, sino que es “un mecanismo de protección” que yo empleé inconscientemente para esconder alguna debilidad en mi carácter. Hay que tener presente que está es una conducta aprendida, viene en el paquete llamado “modelo de familia”. No les comento esto para asustarlos; todo lo contrario, lo hago para advertirle que si usted logra identificar esta conducta en su vida, atiéndala de manera inmediata para ponerle “un parao” al daño que eso está ocasionando en su vida de pareja y en sus hijo, quienes inconscientemente están copiando los modelos en los cuales se desarrolla nuestra vida familiar.

The point is that I and everyone else must avoid any kind of behavior; the indifference has the power to separate me, him or her away from the loved person. This is a difficult subject to discussed because it does not necessarily mean that I do not love the person that I am being indifferent. In my case it was more like a "a protection mechanism" that I used unconsciously to hide some weakness in my character. Keep in mind that this is a learned behavior, comes in the package called "family model". I do not tell you this to scare you; on the contrary, I do it to warn you that if you manage to identify this behavior in your life, immediately try by any means to put "a stop" to the damage that is causing in the life of your couple and your children. Remember that the children are unconsciously copying the models which they see in the family where they are growing up.



Lo que les quiero recomendar, con base a mi propias experiencias, es que se debe poner atención a como nos relacionamos con nuestras parejas; alguna vez escuche a un pastor evangélico llamarlas “maldiciones familiares”. ¿cómo se rompen esa maldiciones? Hay bibliografía sobre este tema, tales como la Biocodificación sólo por nombrar uno. Yo no soy experto en esas materia, sólo que la Vida Poder me ha puesto en situaciones muy dolorosas que me han obligado a reflexionar y tomar consciencia que yo debo cambiar para romper con dichas maldiciones. Recuerde pida ayuda a lo superior en esa tare de cambio, eso no depende de usted sólo, no deje a Dios fuera de sus intentos de alcanzar una vida mejor. Un abrazo.

What I want to recommend, based on my own experiences, is that attention should be paid to the quality of the relationship that you have with your couple. Once I heard an evangelical pastor call them "family curses". The question should be How do you break that curse? There is literature on this subject, such as Biocodification just to name one. I am not an expert in these matters, only that the Life Power has put me in very painful situations that have forced me to think a lot about this (indifference) and another negative behavior; that makes me aware that the only way to eliminate this curses is by the change of myself. Remember to ask for help from Above in that task of change, we are not so well prepared to try this task alone, do not leave God out of your attempts to achieve a better life. A hug.

