"Be an empty glass, who always hopes that water fills, but still is never full." - Dr. KH. Abdullah Syukri Zarkasyi, M.A. (one of Trimurti, Founders of Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor)
An empty glass is a parable of a claimant who is hungry for science. Never satisfied, always wants to be filled and filled ...
Feeling full is arrogant, which only makes knowledge not enter the heart, maybe entering the right ear and coming out of the left ear.
But there is something we need to pay attention to. Empty glass can be filled with any water. when filled with clear water, the glass still looks clear. When filled with milk, the glass is full of milk. When filled with coffee water, the glass is filled with coffee. That is, anything can enter our glass. The wisdom, be careful when filling, look for clean water, not dirty water.
Any water? That's dangerous, not everything is Good for us.
water is the source of life
Good clean water ofcourse