Caution when reading Syrian News

in GEMS3 years ago

I follow geopolitics closely, and therefore try to read all sides of the arguments because there is no real neutral source. Every writer brings his baggage to his work no matter how professional he tries to be.
When you read a writers work, you need to be aware of his biased.

You will find locally sourced news which is very valuable specially given the circumstances of the country.
However you need to be aware of the source. The source is Shiite Islamic Syrian source sponsored probably, or at least biased towards the Syrian regime, Iran, and Orthodox Christian Syrians.
That is why you don't see Shiite and Christian criticism, while all others like Israel, Turkey, USA, Sunni Muslims, and Kurds are painted as evil.
If you are honest with your self you know that human interaction is seldom that simple.
For example the Kurds can't be just all put in to a single bucket because there are Sunni Kurds as well as Christian Kurds.
Not all Sunni Arabs can be designated Terrorists. They have been targeted by the Regime and over 3 million of them are refugees in Turkey.
Turkey is sponsoring Sunni Syrian Arab fractions, which all are designated as Terrorists by the Assad Shiite Regime. Here on hive I have been following @arabisouri which is a amateur copy of


As you can see, all isn't quite that simple.
If you want to find the real historic problem then you don't have to go very far back in history. All these countries and their borders in the middle east wore created after the Ottoman empire by the west, specially the English and the France. The borders where created and designed to foster never ending religious and tribal conflict. Under the principle of divide and rule.

"When we find a common language of truth and peace, we will find salvation."
__ Mark Taliano