Hello hivelovers, every Tuesday or Wednesday I'm presenting what was my participation in The discord of @rutablockchain. Last night as it is already becoming a habit, we are working with poetry, laughter therapy and a reflection, but we always give an extra touch to make it even more special, yesterday for example, was the karaoke, where we had excellent participation, but I recommend that to know more and you can join, wait for the weekly post route, while here I present my contribution, my reflection:
Estar en quietud y estar tranquilo no es lo mismo. En la vida siempre van a existir momentos en los que debemos mantener una postura firme y determinada, sobre todo ante las situaciones adversas. Pero de verdad ¿Estar quieto no es lo mismo que estar tranquilo? .
Being quiet and being calm are not the same thing. There will always be times in life when we must maintain a firm and determined stance, especially in adverse situations. But really, isn't being still the same as being calm?
Puedo concluir que un estado de quietud te permite no tener inconvenientes o conflictos con tu entorno, pero te puede estar costando tu tranquilidad , tu paz mental. Debido a que el ser humano constantemente está en la búsqueda del ser, en esa búsqueda incansable por encontrarse a si mismo, su propio camino, a veces podemos entrar en conflicto con los demás.
I can conclude that a state of quietness allows you not to have problems or conflicts with your environment, but it may be costing you your peace of mind. Because the human being is constantly in search of being, in that tireless search to find himself, his own path, sometimes we can come into conflict with others.
¿Cuántas veces hemos caído en la necedad de complacer a los demás y nos ha costado mucho? Puede venir el resentimiento, la frustración, porque inconscientemente discernimos que estamos haciendo algo que no nos trae satisfacción personal. Aunque existe una línea muy, pero muy fina que debemos encontrar, debemos cumplir con nuestro propósito, pero al mismo tiempo no podemos dañar nuestro entorno, ahí caeríamos en una dinámica egoísta y muy dañina.
How many times have we fallen into the foolishness of pleasing others and it has cost us much? Resentment, frustration can come, because we unconsciously discern that we are doing something that does not bring us personal satisfaction. Although there is a very, very fine line that we must find, we must fulfill our purpose, but at the same time we cannot harm our environment, there we would fall into a selfish and very harmful dynamic.
Es complicado, pero la vida por más que vivamos en comunidad, se desarrolla a través de los individuos, no podemos esperar que todos estén bien, cuando hay algo gestándose en el individuo que es dañino.
Por este motivo, el buscar nuestra propia felicidad, sin causarle sufrimiento a nuestros seres queridos, sin atentar a nuestro sentido de autoconservacion es necesario para el desarrollo del ser.
It is complicated, but life, however much we live in community, develops through individuals, we cannot expect everyone to be well, when there is something brewing in the individual that is harmful.
For this reason, seeking our own happiness, without causing suffering to our loved ones, without attempting our sense of self-preservation is necessary for the development of the being.
No a todos les gusta tu música, no a todos les gusta tu forma de vestir, tu forma de caminar, pero lo más importante es que tú te gustes, cuando identificas esto, la vibración que empiezas a emitir cambiará y como por arte de magia, tu entorno también cambiará y llegaran personas que te acepten tal y como eres y hasta te ayuden a alcanzar un mejor nivel.
Mi llamado es que, si existe algo que te está costando la felicidad, te está saliendo muy caro, es hora de determinar y tomar desiciones, asumir embarcarte en esa aventura, quién sabe qué nos depara el futuro. Recuerda que antes de que el diamante sea diamante, pasa por un procesado de calor. Déjate procesar por la vida y salgamos de nuestra zona de confort.
Not everyone likes your music, not everyone likes the way you dress, the way you walk, but the most important thing is that you like yourself, when you identify this, the vibration you start to emit will change and as if by magic, your environment will also change and people will come to accept you as you are and even help you reach a better level.
My call is that if there is something that is costing you happiness, it is costing you dearly, it is time to determine and make decisions, to assume to embark on that adventure, who knows what the future holds. Remember that before a diamond is a diamond, it goes through heat processing. Let yourself be processed by life and let's get out of our comfort zone.
Gracias por pasar por este espacio, un espacio que va de mi para ti, la invitación es para la semana que viene, todos los lunes a las 7:30 de la noche hora de Venezuela.
Thanks for passing through this space, a space that goes from me to you, the invitation is for next week, every Monday at 7:30 pm Venezuela time.
Bendiciones. // Blessings.
Truly one cannot satisfy everybody around them, simply because we as humans are diverse in our wants and needs and most especially, our unending search and drive for more. Just like you have said, everyone does not need to like me, as long as I like and appreciate myself first, people around me will then grow to also appreciate me. Lovely post.
Thanks man, thanks to read me, yes I think that the first person I like have to be myself, sorry my bad English but I'm trying, thanks again.
Bello como siempre ❤️, me encantaron tus palabras.
Gracias @ambarvega, gracias por leerme y apreciar el escrito, vamos hacia adelante 💚💛❤💪
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Cada semana ten quedan más hermosas.. excelente espacio 🥳