Scanning my film is something I've mostly done in stores due to the fact i never put the money in for a nice scanner. It's OK for where I live to do so cause it costs next to nothing to scan a 35 mm film with the resolution of around 4 megapixels but i never really liked the fact that i have to go someplace to get it scanned and then go back there a second time to take it back.
I have an old 3 in 1 scanner/printer at home so i have tried using it with negatives and 35mm film in general but it never really worked good. But recently i tried shooting slide film for the first time and better yet i tried it on a 6 x 9 medium format camera which basically makes the shots as bug as an iphone 4 screen. I thought that since slide film doesn't require to invert colors and this one is a lot bigger tan 35 mm i can scan it without worry for the resolution or the files getting broken in post due to low scan quality.
The film shot is Fuji Provia 160 . Its amazing in my opinion. Quite hard to shoot since it has a smaller lattitude than a c41 film like portra or fuji pro 400h but i think its worth the struggle when you get such amazing colors and quality from the slide.
I also tried a few other shots and this is how they turned out
Now here i did a mistake. I exposed for the highlights and that underexposed most of the shadows in that photo but i still like it the way it is.This is the first one i tried and the one i like most from the stack. Now keep in mind that i had to compress it quite a bit in order to post it here so the sharpness is lost a bit but overall i am pleased with the result. I gave it a few tries until i get this result ( re-positioning flipping and adjusting the scanner settings) . It's totally not the best result given that this is a pro film and you can get a lot more sharpness and depth from it but for previewing the shot and maybe posting it to instagram (find me at @filminit) its quite alright for me.
Now here you can really see the hardships of shooting slide film.
The contrast is too much for the film to handle and that left me with some burned highlights and underexposed shadows. also i left a big fingerprint on the bottom .
The results from this experiment arnt the best at all but i am still happy with what came out. First of all i got to have some photography related fun in this quarantine state where it's getting more complicated to shoot or find inspiration. Also i managed to get previews from my slides and see how they turned out. And i learned a few new things about home scanning on a budget. So i would call this experiment a success.
I hope you found that post interesting and i would be super happy to see your takes on scanning at home and analog photography in general so if you do any of that, please leave a comment so i can check out your work.
Have my best wishes and enjoy times as best as possible.
Stay safe and keep a good vibe :)
Impressive work! Well done.